London Bridge is Falling Down...with her life

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Rory sat on the plane, wondering what in the world she was doing. She stared out the window, memories of two hours ago flashing through her mind. "What have I done?" She silently said out loud.

5 hours had passed and Rory was in a deep sleep, unfortunately she was awakened by her newborns' cry. She hated to take Haeven with her on the plane, but she had little to no choice.  She calmed her down, and went back to sleep. Sooner or later her flight had ended, and she got off. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number she felt unsure if she should have. Rory prayed that he answered though.

"Hello?" That voice seemed too recognizable.

"Hey, Logan?" She didn't know why she asked when she was so sure.

"Ace? Are you okay?" He could tell by her trembling voice that something definitely was not okay.

"Logan...I'm in London." Rory's voice got hushed to a whisper. "Can you come get me?" The realization that she had no car and no money almost forced her to tears again.

"Yeah, of course where are you?" Logan's worried voice proved he still cared for Rory.

"I'm at Heathrow. And um... I have someone with me."


"Haeven...our daughter."

Logan was perplexed. "You had the baby already? Are you okay, is she okay?" He kept rambling on and on.

"Yes, Logan. She's perfect. She has your cheeks and ears, her little fingers curl the same way yours do."

"I'm so glad." Logan began driving to the airport, still talking to Rory on the phone. "Hey, Ace?"


"I hate to intrude, but are you seeing anyone?"

"I was...I don't know." Rory didn't know what to say. "It's complicated." She resorted.


"What about you?"

"No." Logan answered almost immediately.

"What about Odette?" Rory hated that name, she hated Odette.

"I dumped her immediately when I found out you were pregnant. She didn't do anything for me, I felt absolutely no connection...not like I did with you, Ace."

Rory felt butterflies in her stomach when she heard him say that. She didn't know what to say so she ended the call. "I'll see you shortly. Thanks again, Logan."


"I don't know, damn it!" Jess was yelling at Luke. "She just ran out of the house and took her stuff.

"Have you tried calling her?" Logan retorted.

"Of course I tried calling her! It goes straight to voice mail every time." Jess was worried. He wished he had never spoken to Rory in the manner he did. "Ugh, I'm such a jerk." Jess laid his head on the table of Luke's old apartment.

"I can't argue with that." Luke grabbed his phone. "I'll try calling her." Luke dialed the number and put the phone up to his ear, hoping she'd answer.

Rory heard her phone ringing and saw Luke on the caller I.d. She decided to pick it up, but didn't know what she'd say.

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