The Waiting Game

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Rory drove over to pick up Haeven from Lorelai and Luke's. Before getting out of the car, she placed her hand on her stomach and smiled. "I love you already."

"How was she?"

"Wonderful, she was absolutely perfect as normal." Lorelai grinned. "She's the sweetest thing."

"I'm glad." Rory stepped inside as Luke came in with Haeven and her carrier. "Hey, baby." The one year old giggled as soon as she saw her mother. "I missed you so much!" She kissed her head. Rory felt a twinge in her stomach and quickly handed Haeven to her mom. Lorelai was a bit taken aback and Luke looked questionable.

"Oh, lord." Rory leaned over the toilet, throwing up the remainder of what she ate for breakfast.

"Hon?" Lorelai walked slowly in the bathroom as she saw her daughter holding herself up, lifelessly over the toilet.

"I'm alright." Rory slowly got up and washed her hands. "Just a little sick."

Lorelai stopped her. "A little?" She looked down at her stomach, a smile slowly growing on her face.

Rory smiled back as an answer. No words needed to be spoken in this exchange, both women could communicate with facial expressions and intuition.

"Congratulations." Lorelai hugged Rory. "Another baby!"

"Did I hear 'another baby?'" Luke came up beside them.

"Yes." Rory patted her stomach.

"That's amazing, I'm so happy for you and Jess."

Rory's cheekbones widened as she smiled even bigger. "Me too."


When Rory came home, she didn't see Jess. He still had work for a couple of hours so she just sat on the couch and waited. Haeven was getting fussy and tired. She cooked up some food and turned on a movie. Beauty and The Beast. Haeven was really into that one lately and danced, as well as one years olds can, to the music. Rory laid her head against the back of the sofa and started to doze off. Haeven was curled up in her lap, also finding sleep fast.

Jess parked the car and quietly went inside the house. It was 9:00 p.m, a little but later then he normally gets home but traffic was especially atrocious today. He came in to find Rory asleep and Haeven on her lap, her small thumb in her mouth. Her other hand was holding tightly to a brown, worn teddy bear. She was pretty much asleep but her eyes slowly opened as she heard Jess walking by. He picked her up before she had moment to cry after being awoken and he took her to her bedroom. Jess kissed her cheek and placed her in the crib. "Goodnight, angel." He turned on the lamb night light and closed the door. When returning back the the living room, Rory was still passed out and the television was still on. He turned that off and pulled a blanket over Rory's small figure. She adjusted accordingly to that slight movement of blankets and pillows. He kissed her goodnight and headed to bed himself.


Rory awoke to the sweet aroma of pancakes. Luckily, this appealed to her and she wasn't sickened. As she headed down stairs, she almost slipped on a teddy bear. "Shit." She muttered, immediately putting her hand over her mouth. Rory was desperately trying not to curse as much with Haeven learning words so fast. For a 26 month old, she could sure talk. By now she knew how to say: Cat, Puppy, Dadda, Momma, Gma, Gpa, "Uke" for Luke, and "Pay" for Play. Rory didn't want to chance her learning any kind of profanity.

"How did this bear get up here?" Rory was wrapped in a robe and her hair was messy.

"Who awoke Frankenstein?" Jess laughed.

Rory wasn't having it. "Actually, it would be Frankenstein's monster. You know that Jess. You read, right?"

Jess scoffed and focused on Rory's original question. "Anyway. I don't know. Maybe I dropped it when I took her to bed last night."

Rory giggled. "Oh, yeah. You're so sweet."

Jess handed her a plate. "Grab some food if you feel up to it."

"I do, actually. Thank you, Kramer." Rory grinned and filled her plate with pancakes and bacon. The plate was piled with food as she sat down to eat it.

"Damn, Joey Tribiani!" Jess was astonished that such a petite person could eat so much.

"Hey, I'm eating for two here. And watch your language, you know Haeven's catching on."

At the mention of her name, Haeven began to giggle as she ate her Cheerios.

"Something funny?" Jess looked at her, his brow furrowed. He laughed with her and then she picked up a Cheerio and handed it to him. He opened his mouth and Haeven placed it on his tongue. "Thank you, it's so yummy." Jess rubbed his stomach.

Rory felt her eyes tearing up. "That's so cute."

Haeven picked up more and handed them to Jess. "Dadda eat!"

Jess smiled at his daughter's adorableness. The toddler kept giggling.

Rory admired them. She knew she had the perfect life here. Her beautiful daughter, her perfect angel. Her brown, wavy hair glistened as sun beams from the window shined on it. Her eyes were especially highlighted, blue orbs of beauty. Rory wiped at the tears she realized we're falling down her cheeks. But these we're ones of happiness and genuine love.


Please Read:

Thank you so much for reading! I have some things I want to share that I really need answers to.

First, how do you guys like the story so far? Do you think character development is improving and that they all act as you think they would?

Second, this story is already 31 chapters long! I have so much more things to add and I really want to extend this story in till Haeven is in school. I want to know if you guys would like that. Should I keep adding on? It would get pretty long...I think I might make chapters longer and add multiple subjects to each one. For example, right now I keep one plot to each chapter basically, and I only get up to 600 words.

Anyway, I appreciate all positive comments!!

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