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2 days later

[ A L E X A ]

I was being idiotic.

My tactics were stupid.

I was risking everything my dad had planned.

I was putting myself in danger just to see a boy.

Sneaking out just to see a boy. A boy from Alexandria.

It was so pathetic. But I enjoyed it. I've been seeing Carl for the past 2 days, even when I told myself not to.

I was on my way to see him again.

Well, I was already here by the tree log, Carl should be on his way. Always when the sun is just rising.

I heard leafs crunching. By the pattern of the walk I knew it was Carl. I have studied him and his ways in these pasts 2 days for information and for my own personal use.

"Sneaking out just for me?" I said as I peered around the tree. A smile appeared on his face.
"Wandering around just for me?" He got infront of me.

"Well I have nowhere else to be." I haven't been telling him the truth. He still doesn't know. I don't want him to ever find out.

And I had no idea why.

He was just an alexandrian I'm probably going to end up killing. But I didn't like thinking of that.

"You could have somewhere to be if you went with me back to Alexandria-"
"No way." I shook my head.

"Why not?" Carl pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. I chuckled and sat down, leaning my back against the tree.

"Alexa?" Carl sat next to me.
"Yeah?" I turned my head to him.

"How'd you get that?" He pointed to my forearm. He had noticed the long scar that trailed all the way to my collar bone from my upper arm.

I had remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was the start of the outbreak.

"Well, it was the beginning of the end. I was only just learning how to use weapons. My mom, dad and I were scavenging for food, there was other people in the same area who were not friendly. They took my mom and I hostage and when my mom escaped, they had killed her right in front of me. Shot her right in the head. There was nothing I couldn't do about it other than fight. One of them caught me with a knife, split that area right open. I eventually got away and I have such a good sense of direction I ended back at my dads temporary camp. He knew how to stitch and he stitched me up." I very un-detailed-y explained.

"I'm sorry that happened." Carl whispered.

"Don't be. Shit happens for a reason." I shrugged.

"My mom died, too... I had to shoot her... she was giving birth to my baby sister, Judith. She had to do a c-section and she died. I shot her before she could turn." He looked down at his legs. I pursed my lips and sighed.

"But I wasn't going to let anyone else do it. She was my mom." Carl said.

"I get that." I nodded.
"Me too." He whispered.
"Yeah, you were there." I chuckled. He then laughed at his mistake.

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