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3 days later

[ A L E X A ]

I haven't heard anything from my dad. Not that I was expecting to, but I felt like it would have been nice.

I miss him more than anything, but Carl seemed to be taking my mind off of it.

"My dad here?" Carl asked as he came down the stairs.
"Nope, they went out somewhere. Didn't bother to ask." I said.

"You're no help." He teased. I flicked him off and he grabbed my wrist, putting it down gently.

"You can't resist me." He playfully glared.
"Oh you're so irresistible, I can't bare being apart from you for more than 2 seconds. Oh, Carl grimes! I need you!" I put a playful tone in my voice.

"Shut up." He rolled his eye. I snickered along with him. He readjusted his hat, making me study him as he did. He was just so... yummy.

"No, but seriously, I wonder where he went. Usually he tells me."

"Maybe it was something he didn't want you to be a part of." I shrugged.

"Probably." He agreed.
"Hell, if I were Rick, I'd keep you locked in your room. You're too much." I nudged him. He knew I was joking, so it didn't bother him.

"Id throw you into a pit of walkers." He got a little closer to me. I crossed my arms, raising my brows a little.

"Is that so?"
"Yeah, you're dead to me." He played along.
"Oh, please, you'd be lost without me." I rolled my eyes with a smile.
"I've lived without you for 15 years I'm sure I can go the rest of my life." I knew we were only kidding, and it was fun.

"Sure about that?" We were only inches apart.
Every time Carl and I were together, the tension was just so high. You could feel it every time we looked at eachother.

"Yep." He nodded.
"You're the one who dragged me here." I smirked.
"You're the one who came back." He also smirked.

"Fair point." I lowered my voice. Carl's eye scanned my face, as mine did his. He was so gorgeous.

"Irresistible." He repeated. Which he was right, he is completely irresistible. I knew him for such a short amount of time. My lack of teenage contact makes everything so sped up, which I can imagine that's what Carl is feeling as well.

My eyes looked into his. Carl's hands moved to my waist, gently pulling me into him. Before I knew it, his lips made contact with mine. I saw this coming, but it was still shocking.

But I reacted almost immediately. I put my hands on his cheeks, holding his face to mine. It felt so weird, but good. Amazing. But it also made me feel awful.

It felt like nothing in the world mattered but us.

In this moment, the feud between Alexandria and the saviors didn't exist. My dad didn't exist. Rick didn't exist. Walkers didn't exist. It was just him and I.

After a few seconds he pulled away and opened his eye, a smug grin on his face.

"I win." He whispered.
"I'll let it pass." I could feel how hot my cheeks were.

"Carl, Alexa, come here." The door opened, Rick, Glenn, michonne, Abraham, Rosita Maggie, Daryl, and Jesus walked in.

Jesus. A hilltop. Fuck.

Luckily, he has never seen me in person before, but he definitely knows my name.

"Yes, dad?" Carl turned away from me. It was so sudden.

"Saviors are still alive." Michonne simply told him. Fuck.

"Saviors?" I acted like I've never heard.
"I was telling you about them before. Negan." Carl mentioned. I just nodded my head.

"Thought you killed them all?"
"So did we." Maggie agreed.

Fuck. If they find out about me I'm so dead. At least I'll die making my dad proud.

"You okay?" Carl asked.

I snapped out of my trance and looked at him.
"Yeah- I'm- I'm fine." I tripped over my words.

"They can't get you. We'll kill them if they come near here." Carl tried comforting me.

That was wrong. We outnumber them by a lot.

We have more guns. We have stronger people.

"Of course we will." I gave him a fake smile.

It was going to be so hard saying goodbye to Carl. Killing him is going to be harder. I wasn't supposed to get close to anyone, but Carl and I already had a bond.

Like I said earlier, since I've had lack of teenage contact, it was easier for me to feel attached... but I was stuck.

I knew what I was doing was stupid and I'm getting myself into the situation, but I couldn't help it.

Carl grimes was irresistible.

Short but I ran out of ideas

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