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*clearly I ended all books the same way when I couldn't think of anything*


"Wake up."

My eyes jolted open, my mouth gasping.

I sat up, feeling the slightest bit of pain on my body, but in more areas than one. I wasn't at the sanctuary. I was at hilltop.

My body was laying on a mattress. I was in the same room from when I was burned.

My eyes peered around the room except this time Carl wasn't in the bed next to me.

I was incredibly confused and I didn't know what to make of it.

In this moment of confusion, the door to the room squeaked open, the sound catching my ears.

"Holy shit. You're awake! Everyone! Alexa is awake!" Maggie shouted.
"What- h-how did I get here?" I questioned, my brows furrowing in the process.

"We all brought you here when you passed out." When I passed out?

That's when I heard footsteps rushing towards the room. Carl, Rick, and Daryl.

"Oh my god Alexa!" Carl hurried towards the bed, engulfing me in a hug.

"H-hi?" I put my arms around him tightly, still incredibly confused. I just cuddled into his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"I-I'm dreaming- I-" this was all too weird for me.

"Or-or I died when they stabbed me with that pole! Rick- c-Carl you were there."

"No, unfortunately you're not dreaming... and fortunately you're not dead. You're awake. Carl found you by one of the burning down houses when the drifters exploded Alexandria and you were knocked out. You haven't been awake since. You were probably just dreaming." Maggie informed me.

"W-What?" I asked, my brows knitting.
"You're awake now so that's all that matters." Daryl stated.

Rick took his fingers and flicked my forehead, showing me that I, in fact, was awake.

"I know you're confused, that happens. You've only been down for maybe 3 weeks due to a head injury from when you fell."

"I missed you s-so much. I've been waiting for the day you woke up." Carl held me tighter. I've been asleep this entire time? The entire time after Alexandria being destroyed I've been... dreaming.

"We all have. We stood here by your side making sure you were okay." Rick said.

"Yeah, me too." A familiar voice sounded through the doorway. A voice that was all too familiar.

One that I haven't heard in so so long. But it couldn't be.

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself before I pulled away from Carl. There's no way.

I opened my eyes and in the doorway... well, it was dad. He was there with a big smile on his face.
"Oh my god!" I said a bit louder, tears quickly clouding my vision.

"How's my little girl?" I quickly got up, forcing myself into him.

I began weeping into his chest, feeling so relieved that it was just a dream.

"What's wrong, princess?" He chuckled, hugging me back.

"Y-you- you died in the sewer th-that night a-and- I had to live without you and it was so- so r-real." I cried.

"I'm hurt that your brain killed me first." He kissed the top of my head. This can't be real.

"Some people dream of what they fear the most. Her number one must've been losing you." Maggie informed dad.

"N-no... it was so so real. This can't be real... dad died a-and I killed the leader of the drifters... I lost myself... the drifters came back and destroyed the sanctuary and then I died... now I'm- im here?"

"I know it felt real but it wasn't. Your dad is here and the sanctuary is standing tall." Carl came over, gently placing his hand on my back.

"Thank god you're okay." I mumbled to dad before pulling away.

"And thank god you're okay." My hand reached to Carl's.

"Of course I am." He smiled, his eye showing relief.

"I'm going to have to hold you in here for a couple of days to make sure your body is back on track and then everything can go back to normal." Maggie gave me a grin.

"Can we stay with her?" Dad quizzed.

"Of course."

"Alright. Time for us to tell you what you missed."

One more chapter!

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