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3 months later


Calm. Everything was calm. The only thing that we've killed in the past 3 months is walkers. It was just like the beginning.

Only I was able to go on my own. By that, I mean I never left my room, unless it was for walks.

My mind was clear, except for one thing. I was focused on surviving.

I was different. Everyone could see it. I kept to myself. I even became distant. To everyone. To the world. Even to my dad, which is unbelievable.

The only conversations we have now is when I tell him I'm leaving. He no longer tries to stop me. He worries about me, about what I have become.

He worries that if I go, that I won't come back. But he knew I would do it anyway. I've become a stranger to all of humanity, because although I seemed like I had some left, I didn't.

I gave up on hope and I gave up on the world like it gave up on us.

I was currently roaming roads I've never explored before. They were long roads, I knew it was dangerous to walk by myself, but I was still capable.

I had a backpack on my shoulders, just in case I found anything useful.

All in my mind I could hear my mothers voice.
'I'm so proud of you, honey. You're doing it. You're okay.' Oh did I miss her.

Tears streamed down my face as I continued my walk.

'Don't you be sad, lexa. You are doing just fine. You're smart, you have everything figured out, and I'm still right here.'

The last thing she said to me will forever be burned into my brain. I will never forget the fear in her eyes and how shaky her voice was. She knew she was going to die.

'Alexa, baby, everything will be okay. You get out of here and remember mommy is always here. I love you.'

My heart ached to think of her. But I had to stay strong. I couldn't ever let myself get weak again. My hands reached up to my face and wiped the tears away.

I was hearing my dead mothers voice in my head. I was going absolutely insane.

I held my head high and spotted a small plaza in the distance. Wouldn't hurt to check it out. I silenced my steps, listening for any dead ones as I approached the plaza.

None that I could hear so far. I held a knife in hand and made sure my gun was easily accessed for me.

My first stop was the small market on my left. I lightly walked to the shattered glass doors, peering around before I stepped in.


I stepped in, seeing that most stuff was looted except a few cans of food and some water. I started to load them into my bookbag until I heard stuff being knocked down and unpatterned footsteps.

I gripped my knife and put my back against the shelves. It was coming from my right.

I tiptoed to the edge and saw the nearly skinless Walker wandering around. I watched it get closer and closer and I stopped my breathing, then jumped out and pierced it in the head with my knife.

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