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2.25.18 (twd premiere)

I'm speechless. Thank you Carl Grimes/Chandler Riggs for giving me the best 8 years of my life. I loved watching you grow as a character and an actor. You've done so much for me and you dont even know I exist. Your performance tonight was absolutely beautiful and I'm glad you can move to bigger and better things so you can finally get the recognition you deserve. I love you chandler, congratulations to the beginning of your life.


2 weeks later


I sat on the roof, my legs dangling off the ledge, staring out into the woods or at the sky. It was dark outside, it was very very late.

I just couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't.

The stars were beautiful tonight. They were bright and were twinkling.

The moon was a full one, making everything look so beautiful.

How could a world like this just give up?

The trees blew in the slight wind, making a very relaxing sweet sound.

It didn't make me completely relaxed, however. I still was so so sad. There wasn't any way I could explain the pit I had in my stomach. The hole that took over my heart.

I breathed in the fresh air, the coolness filling my lungs, then blowing it back out.

A lot of things ran through my mind. Tons.

The last time I was on this roof I was with my father. I remember exactly what conversation we had.

"We lost so many people in the beginning. We lost everyone, dad... how did we do it? How do we survive in a world that wants to kill us?"

"We have each other. We have each other's back. Every one that we lost- all those people, all of our family, all the ones that became family... they kept us going. We do it for them."

We do it for them.

I do it for him.

But I don't want to. I don't want to keep fighting without him here. We don't have each other anymore.

I was left alone in this shitty world. I'm all by myself.

"Bad things happen to good people." I said to myself. I didn't believe I was a good person. I never was and I never will be... but no one deserves to lose their parents.

No one deserves this pain.

The world had taken everything away from me. Everything that I loved was ripped from me.

"Alexa, baby, why are you up here by yourself?" Well, almost everything.

"Can't sleep." I waited for about 15 seconds until I replied.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" Carl sweetly asked.

I never looked back at him, instead, me eyes continued to gaze out into the world that gave up on me.

"No... come sit." I patted the spot next to me. After I did, I set my hands on the ledge, my fingernails digging into the building lightly.

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