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4 days later

[ A L E X A ]

"Hey." I grinned as I met Carl.

"Hey, you left so early yesterday, are you okay?" Carl questioned. I had to go, I was worried about my dad catching me again. If he did then he would know for sure what was going on.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just got worried about where I'm staying at, making sure no one got to it. I left valuable stuff there." I couldn't believe he hasn't figured me out yet. I was a good liar, but he seemed smart enough to know.

"Alexa... you really need to come stay with me at Alexandria-"
"Carl, no." I cut him off.

"Why? It's safe there! There's food and water and people. Really really good people. You'd love it there! You'd be safe." Carl's hands took both of mine.

"Carl, im safe now-"

"No you're not. You're out here by yourself. You don't have much food or water and only a gun and a knife. I want you to come with me." He begged.

"I can't." I shook my head.
"Why not?" He answered quickly.

"Because-... I just..." I couldn't think of anything... I had to go through with it.
"Come with me. Please." Carl pleaded.

I didn't know what to do.

I blew air out of my nose and looked down at our hands.
"Fine." I whispered. I needed to see it to know my way around for when we kill them anyway.

"Seriously?" Carl asked with a smile.
"Only to check it out. If I don't like it I'm leaving." I strictly said.

"Deal." He was excited.
"Follow me." He added. What did I just get myself into?

I shouldn't have done this. My oh my was I being so dangerous to myself for this boy.

This is so risky. My dad will kill me if he finds out.

Carl started leading me through the woods even though I knew how to get there.

"My people, they know about you. They'll be happy you came." He looked at me.

I laughed a bit.
"You're strange." I joked.

He trusts me so much for some reason but he shouldn't. I feel so bad taking advantage of him like this.

He was such a good person with such good intentions. He wanted nothing but good for me.

My heart was racing as we approached the gates.

"Carl... I need to tell you something." I looked at him. But he was more interested in opening the gate.

"Here we are." Carl said and I saw a man with a mullet standing at the gate. Eugene.

"This for sure is the girl you were talking about, correct?" He sounded southern. More than I expected.

"Yeah. Eugene, this is Alexa. Alexa, this is Eugene." Carl introduced me. Carl may not be able to sense my lies... but once I meet Rick, I knew this was going to go down bad.

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