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1 day later


"I still don't know about this." Dad spoke as our truck stopped in front of Alexandria.

There were 4 more trucks of us behind us.. the fact that they outnumbered us and the kingdom combined was insane.

They're a real threat.
"It's okay... rick is serious. They've run into them and they need help. He wants to make peace between us." I looked at him.

"Or he's planning something." Dad grabbed Lucille.

It took Dad about 3 hours for me to convince him we should help them. He kept arguing with rick and I, but I begged and begged. I showed him all the good things that'll come to us if we're all together.

"No... I know rick." Well, sort of. From the little bonding experiences we have had, I knew how he worked.

"Alright... let's unload!" Dad made our signal out of the window. I hopped out of the truck and noticed the gates open.

All of the alexandrians were at the gate.

Hilltop and the kingdom were there, too.

My people unloaded themselves and some of our guns. Of course we still had many people behind watching our sanctuary.

Once we got everything unloaded, we faced them at the gate. My eyes scanned the group of people that were once our enemy.

It was silent between us all. My eyes were looking for a very specific person.


I was searching for him, not noticeable to others, but I was searching.

"Welcome, saviors." Rick greeted us.

"Alexa!" I heard my name. My brows furrowed and I noticed some people being pushed gently.

Carl appeared from the crowd. I smiled and walked towards him.

He met me halfway and his hands planted on my cheeks and brought our lips together.

My hands rested on his forearms, not even taking a second before I relaxed into the kiss.

"You're here. Just like I said." Carl's eye looked into mine after he pulled away.
"Still a savior." I chuckled.

"Well would you look at that." I heard someone whisper. It's quite unbelievable that Carl and I were together under our circumstances.

We met in the woods, he had no idea who I was. When he found out I manipulated him, he tried to kill me but we still ended up together. We've been fighting each other and we're still together.

I saw Dad give a signal to my people to stay put, but he whistled, wanting me at his side as he walked up to rick.

"Hold on." I smiled, pecking his lips, before going to dads side in front of rick.

Dad and rick stared into each other's eyes, glaring, but not in a way I've seen them glare before.

They were reading each other.

Rick slowly lifted his hand out, gesturing Dad to shake it. Dad peered down at his hand, then to me.

Rick held his other hand out to me. Dad watched this, and I guess it sort of impressed him.

Rick knows he needs one of us, he's getting both of us. That's what Dad always wanted.

Dad and I at the same time, placed our hands in ricks, shaking lightly.

"Thank you." Rick thanked us, almost helplessly.

"Glad to help." Dad said.
"And don't get the wrong idea we aren't bffs, we're not gonna be running into the sunset holding hands or anything." Dad raised his brows at rick.

"Yeah, Okay negan." Rick chuckled.

"Alright... my people! Hilltop, kingdom! The saviors are here to help us, not fight us. There will not be any sort of bad interactions... we're here to survive. Together." Rick turned to the crowd behind him.

I felt arms snake around me.
"You hear that? Together. How it's supposed to be." Carl whispered in my ear. This made me grin.

"Let them in." Rosita started making people back away from the gate.

I whistled, putting my hand up and pointing towards the gate, the rest of my people making their way in.

Carl closed the gate once everyone got in. We were still in 2 separate groups, rick, Dad, Maggie, Daryl, Carol and King Ezekiel standing in between us.

"Why we're teaming up? There's survivors. A whole lot of them. They outnumber the saviors and the kingdom combined, which means they outnumber the most of us. They've got a lot of guns. They've got a plan. Together, we have more people, more guns, more brains. They've also been leading a horde of walkers our way. They found Negan's sanctuary yesterday. They've got a plan, we don't know what it is, exactly, but they've got one." Maggie informed everyone.

"We are going to study them for awhile, see how they work." Rick said, then looked at Dad.

He shrugged, not knowing what to say, but rick gave him a look. Bonding already. Dad thought for a second before speaking up.

"After we observe them, we can see what their strategy is and how they fight. After that, we execute a plan and make sure we stop everything they think they can do to fight against us. It'll take some time, but they're a real threat, we have to do all we can to make sure they have no chances to take any of our lives." Good job, dad.

"It won't be easy, but with hilltops fighting skills, the kingdoms strength and firepower, the saviors stealth and brains, and our strategy, we've got this. We just have to plan everything out perfectly. We're up for a big fight. A war." Daryl had a really good point.

All of us combined was one giant genius.
"We will lose not one of our people! We fight and we will win. We will win, together!" Ezekiel shouted with a confident smile, some people cheering.

I loved this enthusiasm.

I also loved the sound of 'together'.

"Together." Carl repeated in my ear.

"I always knew it would end up like this." I turned to him, seeing his gorgeous grin.

"Oh me too." Carl raised his brows slightly.
"No, no I'm sure you didn't." I knew he didn't. He never expected for rick and Dad to ever make amends.

"I know... but look at us now."
"Going to war... romantic." I joked.



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