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If you haven't seen the recent episode, ignore this part right here.

I'm so fucking sad. Carl Grimes/chandler Riggs is the loml. He has done so so so much for me ever since I was like 9. I'm like actually so depressed smh. He's given me so much, such as my career on this app. I can't be more thankful to have that boy in my life.

Rest In Peace, Carl Grimes. 12.10.17 ):



3 days later


Blurriness. That's all I saw when my eyelids lifted away from my eyes. My weak hands lifted and rubbed my eyes, trying to get them to adjust faster.

The first thing I saw was a ceiling. I knew by that ceiling I wasn't in my sanctuary.

I turned my head to the left, seeing a cane rested against my bed. I looked down at my leg to see dried blood and stitches. Someone fixed my leg.

I slowly sat up, careful enough to not hurt my leg. I hissed, feeling my head pound. I let out a heavy breath, grabbing the cane and trying to stand up.

What I didn't realize was I couldn't just stand on my left leg. This caused me to yelp and sit back down onto the bed.

I let out a sigh in frustration. I wanted to stand up and go out, but I couldn't. I didn't have to go out of the room to tell where I was. I knew I was in Alexandria.

The question is why and how I got here.

I wanted to go home with my dad, but I also wanted to see Carl.

I knew they were all going to be angry with me, considering I killed some of their people.

I may love Carl and care for Alexandria, but no matter how upset I am with my dad I will always defend him and do anything in my power to keep him alive.

My eyes glanced over at a mirror towards the front of the bed and noticed stitches on my forehead. I had really hit it that hard?

I gripped onto the cane and tried to stand back up, my legs shaking. I took a step with my right leg and I hesitantly took a step with my left.

Apparently, my left leg was way too weak to be walking and it gave out, causing me to fall to the ground. I whined loudly, feeling the sharp pain.

"Damnit." I groaned.

I heard footsteps run towards my room and the door swung open. I snapped my head up, seeing the one and only Carl Grimes.

"How'd you end up down there? Don't get up, dummy. You've got a pretty nasty concussion." He giggled, crouching down to me and lifting me off the ground.

"How'd I-"

"I found you before negan could. He doesn't know you're here. He's been looking for you." Carl gently placed me back on the bed.

"Wait, so you didn't tell my dad I was safe? That I'm okay?" I questioned.
"No, he doesn't know that you were shot or that you've got stitches on your head. He came here and we told him we had no idea where you were. We hid you." Carl shook his head.

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