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2 months later


Today was the day. They didn't know that. We were just going to the hilltop to get Maggie a doctor. That's what they thought.

That threw the plan off a little, she wasn't supposed to get sick... but it made it go faster.

Little did they know. Maggie really needed a doctor and I wish I could just get her there. But things are going to go bad today.

I followed Carl into the armory. He did not want me to go. He was annoyed because I refused to let him to make that decision for me.

"Glenn is still not back. I need to be there for Maggie." I said.
"I said no." Carl was shoving guns into a bag.

"Look, this place isn't too big to protect. You need to stay back and help protect it." Carl cut me off.

"This place is ready. Most of these people are trained and you know that. If you were worried about an attack you wouldn't be leaving." I needed to go. I wanted to be there for Carl, really. I needed to protect him.

"You know how far the hilltop is? You know what could happen?" He turned to me. I just looked at him.

"Those saviors are out there. You know what they did to Denise. You know what they tried to do with Maggie and Carol. To Daryl, to Rosita, to Eugene... that's not happening to you, alright? I'm not gonna let it." He got in my face.

They would never hurt me. They're my family, Carl.

Carl started to grab ammo. A lot of it. Carl loaded a gun and put it in the bag.

"You want to run into them, right? You hope they show up." I tried so hard to sound like I wasn't with them. Carl just looked at me.

"Jesus, this is about getting Maggie to a doctor, not about-" I raised my voice.
"Screw you, I'm going." Either way I was going. Dwight was waiting to pick me up just in case.

"Alexa stop! Just wait." He stood in front of me.
"Get out of my way." I gave him a warning.
"Carl!" I raised my voice when he didn't listen.

"I love you." He blurted out. This took me by surprise.
"I know it's sudden but fuck this whole time that I've known you... you've showed me nothing but affection and... and.... I don't want anything bad happening to you." He put his hands on my cheeks.

"You're the only person who listens to me. You care about me and I care about you. I don't want you getting hurt." His lips got closer to mine.

I didn't know what to think. Carl just pressed his lips against mine. I held his cheeks, savoring this kiss. This made it hard for me... he loved me and he was going to die because of it.

"Just grab some pistols from the closet, but hurry, we've got to go now." He whispered. I nodded and went into the closet... then I heard the door close.

That little bitch. I tried opening the door but he blocked it from the outside.
"Carl! Damnit! Carl! Carl!" I hit the door.

I breathed heavily... if I wasn't there to protect him, he would die.
"What happens if you don't come back? How am I supposed to live with that? What the hell am I supposed to do?" I was so scared to lose him. I shouldn't have gotten close.

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