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The next day


My body rolled over, my eyes fluttering open. I had waken up next to Carl, which I was very happy about. The sun was barely up, I realized I never went home.

We were still cuddled up on the rooftop of this store. I sat up slowly, stretching my limbs.

"Well good morning." Carl's exhausted voice spoke. I smiled and looked down at him.
"My dad is going to be pissed that I didn't come home." I chuckled.

"My dad probably thinks I'm dead." Carl sat up. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before standing up.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" He held a hand out to help me stand up. I placed my hand in his gently, standing up, my chest on his.

"I would love that." My feet leaned on my tiptoes, our lips touching one another again. The kiss went on for a few seconds until I pulled away.

"Words cannot describe how much I missed you." As I said this, his beautiful blue eye caught my brown ones.

"You are so beautiful, Alexa." Carl softly said. I grinned smally.

"Let's get going before my dad comes looking for me."

I moved to the edge of the roof, tight rope walking the small line of cement. I grabbed onto the sign that we used to climb up, and slid down it, Carl following my actions.

Once we were both on the ground, my hand slipped into his, our fingers lacing in between one another.

It was absolutely hushed the entire way down the long long road. It wasn't until we reached the woods I spoke.

"How's Maggie?" I questioned as we started to walk through the woods.
"I don't know actually. I haven't seen her. She's been staying at the hilltop recently." Carl shrugged.

I still felt so bad for what happened.

"Anything eventful happen lately?" I asked.
"No... everything has been- it's been silent. It's weird." He said softly.

"That's how it would be if the world was normal. I don't think I'd be able to handle it." I admitted.

"Me either... I'm so used to just- just being on edge. On alert. The smallest things would set me off into killer mode in the normal world." The leafs crunching under our feet were very loud.

"I'm just trained... my first instinct to footsteps would be to pull my gun out. It's like I want this to end, but I don't because I would be- I would be like a soldier coming home from the war... only worse... fucking severe ptsd." I mumbled.

"I get it. That's how we would all be."
"I don't think I'd be able to get over the things I've done... the things I've seen." I confessed.

"We're killers." Carl muttered unhappily.
"We all are." I nodded softly.

My eyes only stared ahead. I had Carl's hand in my right, my knife in my left.

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