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I'm gonna follow my own story, sometimes, it'll have some of twd... but I have ideas.


4 days later


"Daryl still in his cell?" I asked Dwight as I hopped down the stairs to go outside.
"Yeah. Easy street is playing loud and clear." He chuckled. I laughed and we went outside to unload the trucks. One of them had backed in, ready to be unloaded.

"Not a very fun song after you hear it a lot." I shook my head.
"We know." Dwight agreed.

"Alexa, tie the blinds back as I carry the boxes out." Jake ordered. I nodded and he hopped in the back of the truck. I pulled the blinds and tied them to the side. Jake picked up a box of alcohol and they all fell out from the bottom.

I jumped down from the truck, alarmed.
"What the hell?" Jake looked at the broken bottles. That's when I saw the familiar sheriffs hat. Gun shots went off and jakes body flew from the truck.

"Stay back! Drop your weapons. I only want negan. He killed my friends... No one else needs to die." Carl grimes, what did you just do.
My eyes were widened and dad came out.


"Put the gun down, kid." Logan stepped out to grab him, but Carl shot him down, too. I stepped back a bit, eyeing him.

That's my boy.

I was proud of him... but I wanted to kill him.

"Look at you, Carl." Dads voice sounded.
"You are adorable." He added. Carl pointed his gun at dad and I grabbed his legs from the truck, pulling him out harshly, and tackled him to the floor. He landed on his back and I landed on top of him, my hands pinning him down on his chest.

"If you want to kill us, at least try to aim correctly. Do this shit again and you're dead, grimes. You're dead." I warned. His breathing was heavy and his eye stared into mine. His jaw clenched as he realized he had failed.

"Got it?" I clenched my teeth. Although these feelings I had for Carl were very real, but no one threatens my dad. I took his knife from him, but I could feel the gun in his waistband. I was going to let him keep that without anyone knowing.

I pretended to pat him down but I made sure he knew that I knew what he was hiding.

"He's clean." I lied.

"Good job sweetie!" Dad cheered with a laugh. I stood up, making sure Carl stayed down, handing his big gun to Dwight. I put his knife in my waistband.
"Take that back in the armory, I'm sure there's more where he got it from." I instructed.

"Do I do it?" Simon pointed a gun to Carl's head. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making him drop the gun.

Simon yelled in pain, shaking out of my grasp. I gave him a glare.

'Don't you even think about it' that type of glare. I will protect Carl at all costs, but he's not hurting my dad.

"The fuck?" Simon whined.
"Go." I growled.

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