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The next night


Rosita, Tara, Michonne, Tobin, Scott, daryl, Carl and more were back at Alexandria. We needed more eyes here. There were more back home, back at the hilltop and back at the kingdom.

It was dark outside. I was staring to worry for my people. They didn't come back and we haven't heard from them since dad left.

I had a gun on me, walking around. Carl was by my side, loaded with 3 guns. I was glad he was here with me so I knew he was safe.

"They've got way more people than we think." Carl said.
"I know. I knew it wasn't a good idea when we first started this." I told Carl.

"We just have to fight. Fight like we always have. We'll win. It may take some time... but we will win. We always do." He tried to make me more confident in this battle.

"Maybe this is the time we lose." I whispered, looking at Carl.

"We w-"

Carl was cut off by the sounds of loud loud trucks.
"What the hell?" I knew they weren't ours. Carl knew they weren't ours.

"Dear alexandrians... saviors... whoever might be in there. You may have thought of us as weak. You were wrong. You see, we may be new around here, but you'll become very known of us. We've got more than enough firepower, strength, supplies... anything. I'm justin. I'm going to give you 3 minutes to come and talk before we explode this place into bits." A voice rang through the air.

My eyes widened and I felt my heart drop.

"We've got grenade guns. Explosives. We will ruin this place. It'll end the same way ours ended. All ending in smoke."

Dad... rick... they're not here to help us. It's just us.

I knew this was going to end badly. I knew whatever I said wasn't going to change their mind especially since we tried to kill them.

"Carl, go get everyone and get them out of here. I'll go talk to them." I already started to panic.

"What? No! We stick together-"

"And we will. Get everyone out of here and be careful. Use the smoke bombs we stole. I've already got one on me. Find me but if they get in before you do you have to go without me. Go. I love you." I instructed.

"I'm not leaving you here-"
"Carl, go, you don't have much time! This is your show, babe. Run it!"

Carl wasn't in a position to argue.
"Okay, Okay." He pecked my lips before taking off.

"2 minutes!" They must've had some sort of speaker because his voice was loud and clear.

I jogged towards the gate and by the time I got to the guard tower there was only one minute left to talk.

"You guys are really pushing your luck! First you come in and shoot my people but you won't even come out to talk."

I climbed the guard tower, pulling myself up.

"Oh look at that! Aren't you brave." 'Justin' smiled at me.
"Look, you were a threat. You doing this proves us right and we'll just kill you anyway so leave now and not all of you have to die." I warned.

"You're the girl who killed my wife, weren't you?... oh, did I give you those stitches? You see, sweetie, things don't always go your way. If someone has to die, it's gotta be everyone inside those walls because we just don't play by those rules you have made up inside your head. We own this place now. We own your people and we control who lives... so far, I've got a few people to kill." He reminded me just of my dad.

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