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If you don't follow credencebarebones you should bc her books are very creative and she's a very good friend of mine! She's very talented and doesn't get enough recognition. Luv u susie


1 month later


I closed my left eye, pulling the string on the bow and arrow back to my lips, and taking a deep breath in.

The drifters were back, they killed a few of the kingdoms men, painting a D on their dead bodies.

They wanted a war, so they were going to get one.

I stood in a field behind my sanctuary at my target practice.

I blew air out aiming the arrow at the middle of the soda can , letting that heavy breath out, and letting go of the string.

The arrow quickly shot and went through the middle of the can, knocking it down.

"Woah." I heard from behind me. There stood michonne.
"I didn't know you could do that." Michonne added.

"Dad taught me awhile ago. Before all of this started." I put my arms down and turned to her.

"Any other cool weapons I should know about?" She raised a brow.
"Fire axe, hatchet, all types of guns, knives, swords, spears, and ninja stars. The drifters don't stand a chance." As I said this, I placed another arrow in the bow and pulled back on the string.

I let it go, it landing right where I wanted it to.

I smiled lightly to myself, feeling proud. I still got it.
"No they don't." Michonne chuckled.

"Who knew you could do all of that?" Another voice joined the party, that voice belonging to Carl.

"My Dad and my people know. I can handle almost every weapon." I put the bow and arrow down on the ground.

"You are dangerous." Carl snickered, kissing my cheek.

"We all need to be prepared so when the drifters hit... we're ready with any weapon that's left with us." I turned to them fully, engaging in the conversation.

"Kingdom is getting prepared, hilltop sent people out to help." Michonne informed me.

"Perfect, now just make sure everyone here is keeping watch and doing what they need to do." I instructed.

"On it." Michonne grinned at me, walking back towards the sanctuary.

Carl and I both watched her walk away until she was no longer in sight.

"A bow and arrow, huh?" Carl chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good." I bragged playfully.
"I could never, I would probably end up hurting myself." Carl laughed, looking at the weapon.

"Wanna try?" I questioned. Carl raised his brows at me, then looked down at the bow and arrow.

"I have one eye." He shook his head.
"Excuses. You still use guns and knives. You can do it... or are you too scared to embarrass yourself in front of me." I whispered the last part in his ear with a giggle.

"I'm not embarrass- okay I'm embarrassed." He admitted.

"Well you'll never learn if you don't try." I picked up the weapon and set it in his hands.

"Okay just hold it like that... put your hand here and use this hand to pull back on the string." I guided his hands, positioning his body.

"Perfect.... now aim at your target." I stepped back from him.
"I can't do this." Carl doubted himself.
"Hush, yes you can. Focus." I insisted.

Carl sighed to himself and aimed at his target and pulled the string back.
"Once you feel comfortable, let go." I smiled, watching him figure out the bow and arrow.

Carl took a deep breath in and let go of the string, the arrow going straight through his target.

"Holy shit, I did it!" He exclaimed, excited he actually made a perfect shot.

In all honesty, I was shocked as well.
"Talk about beginners luck." I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Go ahead, you can say it." Carl chuckled.
"Say what?" I scrunched my nose playfully, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Come on Alexa, just get it over with." He turned his body to me.
"I would never say something- I told you so. I definitely one hundred percent told you so." I teased.

"There it is."

"Now go ahead and say it." I grinned.
"You were right." Carl confessed, his hands snaking to the small of my back, pulling me into him gently.

"I know. I just love hearing it." My arms loosely hung on his shoulders, my left hand connected with my right wrist.

Carl just responded with a smile. My eyes observed every inch of his face.
"I love you, Carl... thank you." I mumbled.

"Why are you thanking me?" He questioned, his grip getting a bit tighter on me.
"For doing everything that you do for me... for not giving up on me." My hands moved to his cheeks.

"You are the hope that's left in the world." I whispered, my eyes looking into his.

"And so are you. You saved me so many times... you are my savior." Savior. I lived up to that name.

I am in no way a good person, but I did know I did everything I could for Carl.

I propped up on my top toes, my lips connecting with his. Carl leaned into the kiss, then laughed a little to himself.

"What's going on in your head?" My thumb caressed his cheekbone.

Carl then put one of his hands on my cheek, then put his other arm in the middle of my back, using it as a spot and dipped me over his knee.

I yelped and grabbed onto his shirt tightly.
"I've seen this in movies before and I've always wanted to try it. What better moment than this?" Carl looked down at me.

"Well, Mr.Grimes, you are such a cliche. What better moment than this?"

Carl just pressed his lips against mine, continuing the kiss. I couldn't help but just feel all the love in the world for him right now.

Carl then propped me up straight, kissing me for only a few more seconds before pulling away.

"I can't lose you, Alexa... this fight we're about to fight.... promise me I won't lose you." He rested his forehead against mine.

"What's gonna be left in the world if we're not in it, Carl? How would the world survive without us?"

A soft chapter for all of my softies

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