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The next day, when she actually gets there.

[ A L E X A ]

As soon as I approached the gates, they were opened by Eugene.

"Nice to see you again." He still had that straight face.

"Eugene who the hell did you open the gates f-" I heard Carl's voice. When he appeared from being hidden behind the walls, he stopped in his tracks.

"Alexa." He whispered.

I smiled lightly.

"Hi... is there anyway that offer of staying here is still up?" I wiped my clammy hands on my jeans.

"Yeah of course." Carl answered quickly, waving his hand at me to come in.

I inhaled a deep breath before stepping in. I heard the gates close.

Here goes a month or maybe more without my family.
"I thought you didn't want to be here." Carl looked at me in shock. He then pulled me into a tight hug. I couldn't help but feel my heart explode.

"Well, what can I say? There's people here to talk to. There's a community who has eachothers back." That made shivers make its way up my spine.

For a minute I nearly forgot about my dad sending me here and not me being here on my own. I was just trying to live a life I didn't belong in.

"Let's go tell my dad you're here. God I'm so happy you decided to come back." Carl's smile was so bright.

It made me feel so wrong.

Because dad was going to come here soon and probably kill them all.

My dad told me not to get attached but Carl already had me stitched.

He was so happy that I was here. It's all going to be ruined soon.

My smile wiped away.

"Come on." Carl excitedly took my wrist gently in his hand, pulling me with him. My smile was brought back by this.

"Carl, slow down." I giggled.
"Sorry... it's just I thought I wasn't going to see you again. You didn't come to the spot and I thought you were mad so I went looking for you and I couldn't find you. I got scared and thought you might've gotten hurt... or... dead." He spoke fastly.

"You went looking for me?" I asked.

"Well... kinda. If you were hurt, I wanted to be able to help you." He immediately had regret on his face. I just smiled to encourage him.

"It's okay... that's sweet."

Carl just continued to drag me through Alexandria happily.

The entire time all I could thing of is how upset he'll be when he finds out who I am. How bad it's going to feel when he dies.

"Carl, careful, you'll rip her arm out of her socket." It was the southern accent that I remembered. Maggie, I'm sure.

"Oh it's okay. He's not pulling hard." I assured as Carl came to a stop.

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