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1 week later

[ A L E X A ]

It was growing closer and closer to the day my dad is going to destroy this place. I studied everyone and everything. I was always questioned by Carl on why I was so observant... why I was so quiet.

I've been waiting for the day of Alexandria to be destroyed since we found out about them... but now I'm slowly starting to dread it.

"Good morning. What a beautiful day." Glenn smelled the air with a smile. He was so sweet, too pure for this world.

He didn't belong in this mess.
"Yeah... the sun is very- um... bright today." I tried to come up with something but my brain just failed me. I stopped the sentence with a little laugh.

"You seem stressed, what's up?" He stopped in his tracks. Obviously, I couldn't tell him what was actually stressing me out. But boy, was it killing me on the inside.

"Oh- um- you know.... I'm just thinking of my past... I miss my parents, that's all." I do miss my mom and dad. Luckily I could still see one.

"They're still here.. well, technically." I could tell he was tired.
"How?" I furrowed my brows.
"Because you're still here. You're still fighting." He calmly said. I just looked away.

"Yeah... I am." I missed my mom. More than anything. I know that if I lost dad, too, I would lose it.

We are all each other has left. Without each other, we would be broken.

"Well I'll be back later, keep yourself happy. Carl is upstairs." He nuzzled my hair with his hand. I just smiled softly and fixed my hair.

I thought Carl left, but apparently not. I stood still for maybe two minutes, thinking to myself.

What have I gotten myself into? I know me. Usually I don't care about anyone. I needed to stop caring.

All that's on my mind is my dad and my group... but these people. They're good people.

But they killed my family. Well, some of my family.

But they were just looking out for themselves, we would've done the same thing. We have done the same thing.

I continued to argue with myself until I snapped out of it. I just breathed in and then made my way upstairs.

I took my time because my head was still spinning with thoughts. Do I let this happen?

I have to. Even though I'm getting to know these people, I will always be on my dads side no matter what.

I tried to clear my head so I could go talk to Carl. I got into the hallway and knocked on his door.

No response. I walked in anyway, since there wasn't anything bad I was going to walk into.

He was laying on the bed, his eye closed, his lips slightly parted, small, tiny, cute snores came from his nose. His torso was bare, but hanging on his hips was a pair of jeans. The sides of my lips barely curled up, but they did. I crossed my arms and lightly walked towards the bed.

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