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3 days later


"I'm worried. It's been days and they're not back yet." I paced back and forth.

"Maybe it's a process." Rosita said.

"No, it shouldn't take this long." Carl shook his head.

"You never know. They probably just wanted more time to see who they are." She was confident. She was one of our good fighters, I don't know why she stayed back.

We were currently outside, just walking around, making sure everything was going good.

Seeing my people with the alexandrians still was crazy. They were walking around like normal, laughing and just talking.

We had walked past a few of my people, I flashed them a smile, a genuine one. I was happy, we were all getting along considering the circumstances.

Carl walked with an assault rifle in hand, I walked with an ak-47 in mine. Rosita walked with her arms folded. She was unarmed, just waiting to hear the trucks come back.

"Do you think they got enough information?" Carl nudged me lightly in the upper arm.

"I sure hope so." I breathed in deeply.
"Guys, listen. I think they're back. Rosita hushed us.

In the distance we could hear the trucks.
"Come on!" I bumped Carl lightly and took off towards the gate.

I saw the gates open before I got there so I ran faster. As I got there, the trucks were still pulling in.

I stood back until they were all parked in place. Dad and rick had hopped out of a truck together, letting others out of the back.

"Hi princess!" Dad smiled as he saw me.
"What the hell is wrong with you? You scared the shit out of me." I put my gun down, jogged towards him, embracing him tightly.

"We got a lot of information." Dad squeezed me.
"They're powerful. More powerful than they thought... but nothing we can't beat. They're armed heavily but so are we." Rick said as his eyes noticed Carl.

"Dad!" Carl smiled, running to his dad and hugging him. Rick grinned, kissing Carl's head

"It took you three days to just learn that?" I nuzzled into his chest. I missed him a lot.

"Yes because we saw how they run things in their sanctuary. It's just barely a sanctuary. It's got walls around a field and that's it. They're new. They're making a plan to raid us... they're fucking with the wrong people." Dad informed me.

"You still could've came back. You scared the hell out of me." I pulled away from the hug.
"Well I'm back and well. No one died, everyone is here." Thats always good news.

I felt happy. I hadn't felt like this in awhile. I was with my dad and my boyfriend. Both of which I love very much.

Having them both getting along so well made my heart have hope again.

"We'll discuss plans later tonight." Rick said after Carl had let go of him.

"Everyone get cleaned up and we'll talk later." Dad instructed our people.

"You shouldn't leave this lying around." Carl brought my gun to me.
"Shit, sorry. I got distracted." I apologized, slinging the gun over my shoulder.

"Be more careful, dummy." Carl chuckled, playfully grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

I smiled widely, our faces inches apart.
"I absolutely adore you." He placed his hands on my cheeks, cradling them as I said this.

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