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The next day


"Stay still." Maggie ordered.

"It hurts." I clenched Dad's hands with mine.
"If you move it'll only hurt more." Maggie said as she stuck the needle into my skin, sewing my cut shut.

"Can't you put numbing on it or something?" Dad asked, hating seeing me in the smallest amount of pain.
"Even if I had numbing, I wouldn't use it for this, Negan." Maggie was focused on her work.

I hissed, jolting my legs as she stuck the needle in again.

"I'm sorry honey, I know it hurts." She cooed. Michonne watched intently.

"I didn't even know it needed stitches." Michonne raised an eyebrow.
"It was deep enough, besides, we wouldn't want an infection starting. It's only 6 stitches."

I bit my tongue, trying to stay still.

While mostly everyone was out searching for the drifters, we were stuck doing this. Michonne, Rosita, and Dad had to stay back to make sure everything was going good here at Alexandria.

Dwight, Simon ,and Eugene stayed back at my sanctuary.

Carol, Austin, and Sierra stayed back at the kingdom.

Jesus, Aaron, and Heidi staying at the hilltop.

Once Maggie was finished, I got up and shook my hands, letting the pain flow out to my hands.

"You did good honey." Dad stood up as well, pulling me towards him.

"Be careful with them, we'll take them out in like a week or so, just make sure not to rip them." Maggie instructed.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you." I bluntly said. She knew I always felt a little uncomfortable around her considering what happened.

"You can talk to me normally, sweetie... I'm still angry, I always will be... but you apologized, you try to make it up to me. It's okay." She gave me a soft smile.

I just nodded slightly, giving her an apologetic smile back.
"We better go check the gates, we'll be right back." Michonne patted Maggie, giving her a gun.

Maggie and Michonne followed each other out, leaving dad and I alone.

"How does it feel?" He looked down at me.

"Weird... I've had stitches in my thigh before when I got shot and it somehow hurt less than this." I laughed a little.

"Probably because you were asleep for it." He pointed out.
"Yeah that's probably why." I chuckled, sitting back down.

"I'm just glad you're okay. I get so nervous every time we do something like that because I know you like to do your own thing... he could've killed you, princess." Dad was always scared when we did stuff like that.


"But he didn't."
"He could have. I know you can do things on your own now. I know you're smart enough to not get caught and I know you're capable of anything and everything I just don't want you to start doing things without me. I don't want you to get hurt and me not being there to help you-" he cut himself off for a breath. He was talking extremely fast.

"Hey, that's nothing to worry about, dad. You know how I am. It's you and me no other way. We are and always have been Negan and Alexa. I'm just growing up. I'm getting stronger. I'm finding my own way of doing things. You just taught me how to do it. Without you I would probably have no survival skills and I would've died a long time ago. I wouldn't abandon you, if that's what you're thinking." I shook my head, my brows furrowing.

"I know. You're becoming a leader. A better one than I have ever been. You've taught me a lot of things in the 16 years you've been alive. I just wish this never happened so you could've been the normal teenager I know deep down you want to be. I wish I could've been a better father to you." Dad sighed deeply.

"You're the greatest father, dad. I love you. You kept me alive and always made me your first priority. Maybe things could've turned out differently. You also could've abandoned me. I didn't know a single thing when this first started and I was nothing but another person to feed and protect. You and Mom could've left me for dead and you didn't. To this day you still continue to protect me... but now I can protect you. I'm not a burden anymore." My voice was incredibly soft, but he could hear me quite clearly.

"Because you taught me how not to be. I want to be able to do things for you now that I'm stronger. I don't want to disappoint you or let you down. I'm trying to be the best fighter I can be to make you proud." Dad and I rarely ever get to talk to each other like this anymore.

It was nice to actually spend some time with my dad and not worrying about him killing someone or me sneaking out somewhere.

"I am proud of you. You're a mini me and some of that I wish I could change but in this world I wouldn't. We've come a long long way, Alexa." Dad sat down next to me.

"Yeah, we have." I smiled lightly, but it faded pretty fast.

"I like who we are. I like that we've done the shit that we have because if we didn't we would be scared of people like us. We'd be weak and scared to kill the living even if they were trying to kill us. We've been strong from the start." I pointed out.

Although I didn't think of myself as strong. I knew I would be weak if it were not for my dad.

"I never get to tell you how much I appreciate you dad. I love you." I pursed my lips.
"I love you, too, pumpkin." Dad kissed the side of my head.

All of a sudden I heard the doors to the house swing open and slam shut.

"The drifters, they've got more people... negan, they need your help, rick came here to get you. Alexa they want you to stay here with us, watch the place." Michonne told us.

"Yeah, yeah okay." I stood up, agreeing with them.

"I'm on it." Dad patted my shoulder before hurrying out.

I saw the panic on their faces.
"We shouldn't have gone there." I turned to the window to watch dad run to the gates.

"Not so soon."

Woah woah woah

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