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I'm gonna continue this story because I'm fucking proud of it.


3 days later


"I know you've all heard about what happened to my father. What happened to your leader." I stood on the second story, talking down to everyone on the first story.

"If it weren't for that group my father would still be alive. He wouldn't have had to go out in the woods our main goal is to take them down so everyone better be on the lookout... anyway, things will continue as normal, only I run this show now." As much as I wanted to just sit in my room and lock myself there until I died, I couldn't. I had to be strong for my people. I had I be strong for dad.

"Negans rules will still be in place. Disobey them and the consequences will be a lot harsher. I am not here to let anyone grow weak. My right hand men Carl, Dwight, Simon, Mark and Eugene will help me run this show. You try to stop it and I will shut that shit down no exceptions. You don't have to be afraid of my father anymore. It's me you have to worry about." I warned everyone.

I wasn't myself anymore and everyone could see it.

I was harsh.

I was cold hearted.

"Carl will be with me most of the time and you will treat him like you would treat me. He's family. The alexandrians are family. If I catch any of you slacking or treating me or any of my helpers disrespect, you will get an iron to the face or something a little more extreme."

"Follow the rules and you'll earn your points and maybe even a few extra if I like you. I will be following in my fathers footsteps and I am not going to let him down. If any of you have a problem with that speak up." My eyes scanned over the crowd of people.

After a few moments I spoke again.
"Good. I'm your new Negan, no ands if's or but's about it. Like I said, I will not let my dad down and neither will you. Got it?" I held lucille over my shoulder.


"Great. Back to work everyone, we're back in business." I instructed, dismissing everyone.

I hate speaking now. It was torture. I just wanted to be left alone and sit with my dad until the day I die.

But I wouldn't. He wouldn't want that for me.

But I was different. I no longer had the compassion I once had. No more sympathy.

No more humanity.

"Good job, baby." A kiss was planted on my shoulder.
"Someone's gotta run shit around here. Work needs to be done and work can't happen if we don't have someone running the place." I said, going down the stairs.

"Your burns feeling better?" I asked Carl.
"They feel better, still look pretty horrid."

"If they start hurting we have some medicine I already took like 3 this morning." We found out the burns we had were pretty severe, Carl's more than mine. I just had more. Mine were still bad, but Carl's were worse.

"If you need them just tell me. They're pain killers." I added.

"Okay, I will. Thanks babe." He thanked me.
"Don't mention it." I blew out air, adjusting lucille so she sat right on my shoulder as I walked around.

Everyone was getting busy.

"What are children supposed to do? There isn't a right job for them." A woman tapped me on the shoulder.

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