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2 days later

( dark (; ) A L E X A

"They've lost people, rick went after them after Negans death with his best fighters along with the hilltop kingdom and some saviors who seeker revenge. I stayed back to keep and eye on the place and make sure I'm here when they show up." Maggie said, sitting at a table.

Carl and I were at the hilltop. Maggie had information for us.

"He's risking his life, he shouldn't have gone out there." I placed lucille against a wall, adjusting dad's jacket.

"Negan was now our friend. Negan wouldn't have died if they didn't lead us out there. They set those walkers out." She explained.

"What? What do you mean?" My brows furrowed, my full attention now on what she had to say.

"What did you hear?" Carl asked.

I leaned over the table a little, my hands resting on it.

"They saw us coming. They knew they wouldn't have survived because that Alexandria explosion killed a lot of their people instead of ours. They weren't smart about it. They knew we weren't up to negotiate this time so they lead walkers to Negan and Jesus. If Negan had that jacket on he would've been saved but he didn't. They lead them with leashes... literally. Cut them off and pushed them towards the group. Negan didn't want to waste bullets and didn't have time to grab the bat. That's the intel I heard from Jesus." They killed my father.

It wasn't an accident.

"They killed him." Carl crossed his arms.

My jaw clenched and my nails scratched the wood of the table.

I was more than angry.

I was blood thirsty.

"Alexa? Are you okay?" Maggie placed one of her hands on mine.
"I'm going to make it my god damn life goal to kill that leader and I don't give a shit about how long it takes. I'm going to kill him. Lucille's thirsty." I growled.

"They're bringing him here, right? The leader? They got him?" I questioned.

"They were supposed to get him but I'm not exactly sure if they did." Carl shook his head.

"Let me see your walkie." I held my hand out. Maggie pulled her walkie out and set it in her hand.

"Rick, Tara, anyone, are you in range?" I spoke into it.

It was blank silence.
"Rick, this is Alexa from the saviors, do you copy?" I tried again.

Radio silence.
"Okay this is the last time I'm doing this, Rick Grimes, do you copy?" I felt a fire inside me.

I was so angry. He wasn't going to get away with this.

"Yeah, I copy... we got him." Finally.

"Is that so?" I spoke back into the walkie.

"Yes... we got the leader. We got a few of his people as well."

Good damn job, rick grimes. It was going to be a lot easier than expected. But I wasn't going to give him the peace of death.

I was going to kill his friends in front of him and torture him, then kill him.

"Good. Bring them to the hilltop. They come to me, you understand?" I raised a brow.

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