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1 week later


Leafs and twigs crunched under my feet as I took each step through the woods.

I didn't care about being noisy right now. I didn't care about anything.

I felt worse than ever. I got worse.

I had no feelings inside of me. I had no moments where I was me.

The old me died with my father.

"Slow down, we've got to make sure we're staying on track." I heard Carl's voice sound.

We were currently on a run for supplies. We had more than enough, but what else was there to do?

The drifters were gone, walkers were barely a problem.

"We are." I simply said.
"Alexa, slow down, they aren't moving this fast." Carl repeated himself.

"We're staying on track, we're fine. I'm not an idiot." I knew where I was going. I knew we were fine. Just because we were moving faster didn't mean anything.

"They're like 200 feet behind us, you need to stop for a few seconds." He pointed out.

"We're fine!" I snapped, turning to look at him.

Carl's brows furrowed. He was confused on why I was giving him attitude.

I took a deep breath in and untensed my body.
"I know where I'm going. We'll be fine, we've got to follow the trees north." I softened my tone up, pointing with my finger to north.

"We should stick together. We don't know what might happen." He insisted.

"I can handle myself. You know I can." I folded my arms over my abdomen.

"That doesn't matter out here and you know that." Carl raised his eyebrows, implying something that he shouldn't have.

"That's not what happened. Don't talk about my father again." I growled.

"I didn't mean it like that-"
"Everything okay?" I heard. I looked over Carl's shoulder to see the group caught up.

"Everything's perfect." I unfolded my arms angrily, turned around and continued walking.

I hated that people saw me as weak now.

I knew how to protect myself. Just because my dad's gone doesn't mean I couldn't survive.

We walked through the woods until we hit road. We were far from our homes.

I hadn't spoken a word to anyone.

We were on our way to a hospital that was near by. We needed medicine... well, we wanted more medicine.

It was a hospital I wasn't too familiar with. I've only been there once in my life and it was before everything turned to shit.

I knew how to get there, but it was based off of maps and my dad's description from months ago.

I lead the way, but the group kept close to me.

It was still pretty chilly outside, I was shivering lightly, but dad's jacket kept me warm. I had my pistol in its case that clipped around my thigh and my assault rifle slung over my back.

My knife in its little pocket thing that hooked to my jeans. I was loaded with weapons but I left lucille at home. That was too much for just a supply run.

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