• epilouge •

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We all got bigger. Not physically only, but our homes. Our people. The world.

Alexandria was rebuilt. Hilltop, kingdom, Alexandria, and the saviors were still very close. We were all best friends.

We fought more battles, lost a little more people, but it all worked out.

"Hi sweetheart." Carl's voice sounded as he walked into the room. Dad, Rick, michonne, Maggie, Daryl, Simon, and Dwight.

"Hi. House party?" I chuckled sweetly.
"A little meeting." maggie said.

"What's up?" I asked, walking over towards them.

"As we know, the walker population has been going down drastically over the years." Michonne sat down on the back of the couch.

"Right, go on."
"Pumpkin, I think we won the world back." Dad smiled.
"What do you mean?" I folded my arms.

"Well, you know how we have the connections between every state?" We have all been working together to build technology to reach other states.

We've gotten that good.
"Well it's been 6 months with no signs of any walkers anywhere in any state." Holy shit.

"Are you serious?!" I never was on that job because I didn't want to know. Carl, Simon, Daryl and Maggie did that job.

"We won." Carl grinned.

"Oh my god!" I shrieked, grabbing Carl and dad, hugging them tightly.
"Oh-... you can't do that. Dads getting old." Dad huffed.

"Sorry... I'm excited! We got the world back!" I squeaked.

"Now it's gonna take a really long time to get civilization back but we're working it out with the others... but our world as we know it is free." Daryl informed us.

"And since the world is back, there's something someone has to do." Dad said, looking at Carl.

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched him walk up to me.
"Since we already have a baby on the way," Carl grinned, his hands rubbing my belly. I was 6 months pregnant. Carl and I were the happiest when we found out.

Now everything was going to be perfect.
"I wanted to let you know that I kept my promise." Carl looked back up at me.

"What promise?" I quizzed, not remembering any promises we made recently.

But then I remembered once he placed himself down in front of me on one knee, a promise he made 7 and a half years ago, that one day, I would be his wife.

I gasped, my hands immediately covering my mouth.

"I promised you I would make you my wife. I thought about it every single day. I even found this beautiful ring. Almost as beautiful as you. I even had the awkward talk with your dad, and though he nearly wanted to kill me, he gave me his blessing..." Carl rambled.

"Yeah, little asshole." Dad snickered.

"so, Alexa, will you marry me?"

I'm guessing no one else knew about it, because everyone cheered with 'aw' and 'woah' and 'fuck yeah', which made me giggle.

Tears stung my eyes as I nodded frantically. Carl stood up, gently grabbing my left hand and sliding the ring on.

"I love you." He smiled before he pulled me into a deep loving kiss.

This is how it was supposed to be.

This is how I wanted it to be. There was so much hope left in the world. There was so much that could be done. I had my family right here next to me.

And I knew as soon as we got civilization back, the saviors, alexandrians, hilltop, and kingdom would all stand together.

I knew we would always be by each other's side no matter what.

We were family, we always would be.

That's how it was supposed to be. I guess the world decided to work in my favor just this once. I couldn't be happier.

The end

I know that was the worst ending ever but like I completely forgot LOL

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