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1 week later


It was time to move in on these people. They call themselves 'the drifters'.

In all honesty, I don't think we are going to win this fight. They were strong and had a lot of fire power.

But I shouldn't be doubting us. The saviors have done much worse. We've fought much worse.

Considering the strength and strategy between Alexandria, hilltop, kingdom and the saviors combined, we were sure to beat them.

My people and I were currently in the hotspot. We were in front of their gates. Everyone else was in place.

We were supposed to talk to them before taking them out to see if we could make a compromise.

I'm sure they'd want nothing to do with us, but that's the plan.

One of their guard men has already noticed us and was getting their group prepared.

"We're here to talk!" I shouted, standing in front of their gates.

"You were the ones who shunned us off your territory! We could've talked then!" They had guns pointed at us just like how we had them.

"We thought you were a threat! Hear us out!" Dad had Lucille in his hand.

The guard didn't reply and the rusty gates slowly started to open. They were very loud and there stood a whole shit load of people.

"What is it that you want?" Im guessing this man was the leader.
"Seems you don't know who runs this show. I've decided instead of dealing with you how I usually do, how boring doing the same thing over and over again, I've decided I'd be nice about introducing us." Dad said.

"We don't want to talk-"
"Well see, that's where it's not your choice. We're the saviors. Your shit is ours now. You take it this way or we'll deal with you how we dealt with the alexandrians." I spoke.

The leader slowly put his gun down.
"Did you say the alexandrians?" One man called out.

My brows furrowed and I shot a look towards Simon. He shrugged and looked at dad.

"Yeah, why?"

"That's our plan. We were going to kill them and take over their area. The leader and his kid ran into us and it spoiled our plans. You're the group that has them around your finger, correct?" As soon as he mentioned rick and Carl. I gripped my gun that was in my hand.

"That's us." Dwight nodded.
"Good. Maybe you can help us. Maybe we can team up. We kill everyone, leave the leader, his girlfriend and the kid for last. Kill the girl slowly, then the kid, then the leader. We see you have a home already, but if you help us, you can stay there with us." Idiots. Who are you to open up to complete strangers like that.

"What's in it for us?" Dad had both Lucille and a gun, but you couldn't see that he was hiding the gun.

"Power. Isn't that what you want?" A girl stepped forward.
"We run this shit show. We've got more than enough power. We own every single 'group' around here." I spat. I didn't like that they were planning to kill all of Alexandria.

Our signal to everyone else was to start shooting... but we couldn't just yet.

"Why is this such a problem-"
"They work for us. You're planning to kill our main supply." Simon crossed his arms.

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