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The introduction to the group had been a whirlwind. Accusations were thrown at Juliana that she worked for someone who was called 'The Governor.' They argued among themselves to determine if she should be allowed to stay or not. It was off putting to Juliana, who had been alone for quite some time now, to be surrounded by so much sound. It had taken her aback how quiet it had been out there on her own.

Their leader, Rick, as she came to know, was forward. He asked her how many walkers she had killed and she shrugged and shook her head; the number was something she didn't keep track of. Not now, anyways. Next, he asked how many people she had killed. Her breath hitched in her throat at the question. So far, she had been lucky to not have to kill anyone out of self-defensive, but a few people she had traveled with on and off had been bit and she had the task of putting them down. So, she answered honestly, noticing the group become tense at her reply. When Rick followed it up with why, the group then seemed to visibly relax at her reason why.

Juliana felt as if she were back in high school trying to prove herself to the clique of girls she thought she had so badly wanted to be friends with. The tension between them could be cut with a knife. Rick finally broke that tension, deciding that Juliana was okay to stay. He casually introduced her to the group, mentioning briefly that there were a few more inside.

Michonne, the woman who had caught Juliana off guard in the woods stepped towards Juliana as the group dissipated silently, going off to their own business while keeping an eye on this new guest who had yet to gain any one's trust.

"Sorry for the scare," Michonne said, motioning to Juliana's neck.

Juliana reached up, fingers gingerly touching the spot where the business end of Michonne's sword had been. Pulling her hand away, she saw a light smear of blood on her finger tips. Wiping her hand on the fabric of her jeans, Juliana smiled half-heartedly at Michonne.

"You had too," she replied.

Michonne stared down at Juliana, lips pursed as she nodded. The woman was hard to read, but she was strong and skilled, there was no mistake about that. Juliana couldn't help but envy her.

Another woman, who Juliana remembered was named Maggie, came forward. Offering a smile to Michonne as if it gave her the okay to take her leave, Michonne nodded once more to Maggie and went on her way.

Maggie turned her attention to Juliana, "Come on," she reached her arm out, grabbing gently at Juliana's upper arm and pulled her with her so the two women would be walking side by side away from the main gate of the prison.

"You never said your name."

Juliana glanced over at Maggie as the two of them walked further up the path, "Oh, yeah, Juliana," she replied. Her gaze drifted past Maggie as she saw what looked like a small paddock that held some sort of livestock and an area which looked like a garden, "You guys are providing for yourselves?" she questioned.

Maggie nodded, "As well as we can.." her voice drifted off, "..You've been out there on your own?"

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Juliana shoved her hands into the front pockets of her worn and faded jeans, "On and off," she mumbled, "Couldn't seem to keep a group. Bad luck I guess."

Maggie offered her a sympathetic smile, "I think we've all been there."

The two of them walked the rest of the way up to the walls of the prison in award silence. A cool breeze was beginning to blow through. It licked at the back of Juliana's neck causing goosebumps to pop up on her exposed skin. It was a welcome relief from the sweltering heat she had suffered through hours earlier, hinting that the day would be coming to an end soon.

Maggie led Juliana into the actual prison. It was humid and stuffy, a stark contrast from how the outside world was just starting to become pleasant and bearable. She mentioned how they had cleared the prison out, and how they had lost some of their group in the process. Juliana glimpsed over at Maggie as she spilled their story out to Juliana. The pain of loss looked like it weighed heavy on Maggie's shoulders, causing Juliana's heart to ache. It was still never easy, no matter how many deaths you had seen. It was even harder when the ability to mourn was overcome with the more important matter to survive.

Juliana had fallen behind Maggie after she was done talking. Coming up behind her, a large, steel door had been propped open, opening into a large room. It was strewn with random tables and various supplies that were stacked and haphazardly pushed off to the side. A steel staircase led straight up to a walkway which mimicked the layout of cells that were on the bottom level. Maggie had been generous enough to take Juliana to an empty cell that was some ways down from the main group. She understood why, but it still felt like a kick in the gut.

"If you need anything.." Maggie began.

Juliana had stepped into the cell and rose a hand at Maggie before she could finish, "I'm good. Thanks again, Maggie."

Maggie nodded, her lips pressed tightly together in thought, "You seem like a good person, Juliana, and I feel like you would be safe here, with us."

Feeling a little dumbfounded at Maggie's offer, she settled on the bottom bunk. It creaked and groaned under her weight. Maggie noted Juliana's uneasiness, "No pressure," she reassured her, "Just..keep it in the back of your mind."

Maggie left her in the cell, alone again. She had to admit, the group seemed all but capable of killing her before she would even step through the gate, and the fact that they seemed to have a sense of morality rested well with her. Then again, being alone for so long left you isolated with your thoughts and an overwhelming distrust for anyone who wasn't dead.

The walls felt like they were closing in on her in this cell. She pushed herself up off the bunk, another loud groan emitted from the springs. The metal feet of the bed scratched loudly against the concrete floors as she pushed off the mattress.

Departing the small room as hastily as possible, her body met another's. Whoever it was cursed loudly, spewing out nonsense insults as Juliana reeled back from the small impact. It would turn out to be someone that Juliana would later come to realize had more than just a physical impact on her.

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