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Daryl and Juliana had both woken up around dawn, dressed, and made their way outside where Daryl began tinkering with his motorcycle. Juliana swallowed hard when she saw that he had his motorcycle back. The last time she had seen it, the man who worked for Negan had it; this meant Daryl had met that same man somewhere. Negan's threat against the rest of the group rang in her ears, so she tried her hardest to push the thoughts to the back of her mind, hoping that eventually it would all blow over soon.

Settling down on the second to last step, Juliana groaned slightly. Her body still ached, and sharp pains still shot through her shoulder at times.

Daryl glanced over his shoulder at her, "Sore?" a faint smirk flashed on his face and Juliana was lucky enough to catch it before it faded away: he was teasing her.

"Hah," she deadpanned, "From being shot or from you?" Juliana cocked an eyebrow at him as his cheeks turned red and he shrugged, mumbling something under his breath.

Before Juliana could continue their banter, Denise and Rosita came wandering up. "Hey," Denise said to the two of them, motioning over to Juliana, "How's your shoulder doing?"

"Better..." Juliana's voice trailed off as she glanced in between Rosita and Denise, "You didn't come to just ask about my shoulder, did you?"

Pulling out a map from her back pocket, Denise signed, looking at Juliana and Daryl, who were both now standing, "After I got out of D.C I just drove. I remember seeing it right when I realized I had no idea where I was going: Edison's Apothecary and Boutique. It's just this little gift store in a strip mall, but if it's really an apothecary, they had drugs."

"How do you know they still got 'em?" Juliana asked.

Denise looked back at Rosita for a moment before answering, "It isn't that far. I just wanna check. And you and Daryl and Rosita aren't out scavenging or pulling shifts."

Daryl and Juliana both looked to Rosita who nodded, and then to each other. Juliana offered Daryl a small shrug and he turned back to Denise, nodding, "We'll go."

"I wanted to check. I just wanted to help."

Juliana let out a sigh, running a hand down her face. She hadn't realized Denise had wanted to go. "How much time you spend out there?" she questioned, crossing her arms across her chest.


Juliana rolled her eyes at Denise's admission

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Juliana rolled her eyes at Denise's admission.
Daryl scoffed, "Forget it."

"I can ID the meds. I know how to use a machete now. I've seen roamers up close. I'm ready."

Daryl looked to Rosita, who had been the one giving Denise pointers about fighting and killing walkers, "You okay with this?"


"I'll go alone if I have to," Denise retorted.

"You'll die alone."

"I'm asking you to make sure that I don't."

Daryl's gaze flickered back over to Rosita who placed a hand on her heart, "I'm not babysitting her by myself," she scoffed. Denise tilted her head to one side slightly, a small grin on her face.

"Well," Juliana started, moving past Daryl and wrapped an arm around Denise's shoulder, "You're gonna have to learn sometime, huh? We'll make it a girl's day, right, Rosita?"

Rosita rolled her eyes at the comment, "I guess."

"Ain't gonna be no 'girl's day'," Daryl grumbled, stepping up to the three of them, "You ain't gonna get shot again, and you," he pointed at Denise, "Are gonna listen to what we say so you don't get yourself killed. Got it?"

Denise smiled, "Thanks guys. We'll meet you at the truck in 10!" Rosita and Denise took off ahead of them, leaving Daryl and Juliana to gather up whatever they needed for the run.

"You really goin' out when you're still fucked up like that?' Daryl questioned as the two of them made their way to the armory.

Juliana shrugged, "I ain't gonna sit around and twiddle my thumbs while you get to do all the fun stuff."

Shaking his head, Daryl picked up his pace, "My girl," he mumbled under his breath as he passed her, wanting to get things moving. Grinning at his comment, Juliana picked up her pace, heading after Daryl as they went to go pack for the run, not knowing what unfortunate events would soon follow.

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