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The entire group held their collective breath as Negan made his threats to them. She kept her head bowed, hands trembling and palms clammy as memories of what he had done to her rushed forward. There was a gentle touch of a hand next to her, resting on the top of her own hand. Juliana glanced over sheepishly to see Glenn wordlessly trying to comfort her, only to be quickly kicked lightly by a Savior who was standing behind them.

It became suddenly clear that his threats were serious. Negan was not happy. As he paced along the length of the group, his feet shuffled, finally coming to a stop in front of Juliana.

"Oh, oh, oh," he clicked his tongue and lifted Lucille towards Juliana, using the end of the bat to raise Juliana's chin up. The barbed wire dug into the soft skin under her chin, and she swore Negan twisted the bat ever so slightly to dig the barbs in more. "This is your group? Shit. No wonder you didn't want to give them up. But you should have, princess. Oh, you sure as shit should have. You could have saved a life tonight! Been a hero! But you had to give me fucking hell – didn't you?" She couldn't bear to look at Daryl, and as her eyes drifted away from Negan, he twisted the bat again, letting out a low growl, "You better fucking look at me, because as far as I'm concerned, not only is this Rick the Prick's problem, but you should feel as guilty as shit for what's about to happen! Oh, holy fuck you should." He roughly pulled Lucille back from her chin, causing Juliana to wince. A small trickle of blood began to flow down her neck, dripping onto the ground below.

His footsteps receded, and she finally glanced over at Daryl who was staring back at her; fists clenched so tight they were turning white. She wanted so badly to assure him that they would be okay – that everyone would be okay, but then Negan began taunting them, reciting an old children's rhyme to pick his next victim. Juliana's heart raced in her chest, not wanting to believe that he would go through with it.

Then he landed on Abraham. "Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father, and then we'll start." Juliana raised her head, staring at Rick as if she assumed he was supposed to do something. Then to Sasha and Rosita and finally to Abraham who was staring down Negan. The trembling in her hands moved to her entire body as Negan continued, "You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry. Hell, you're all going to be doing that."

Then he swung.

Juliana lowered her head quickly, hand flying up over her mouth and squeezed her eyes tight as she heard the sickening crunch of the bat crushing Abrahams skull. She choked back at sob, Negan's taunts and smart-ass comments fading away to the sound of how loud it sounded when the wooden bat met bone.

She forced herself to look up only to see Abraham was gone. His head smashed to pieces. Negan had moved towards Rosita, having noticed how upset she was at Abe's death. He flashed a red Lucille in front of her as she refused to look at what was left of Abraham on that bat. "Take. A damn. Look." He waited for a moment before repeating himself, louder this time: "Take a damn look!"

At that moment, Daryl jumped up, swinging a punch at Negan. At that same time, Juliana, out of anger and instinct to protect Daryl, lurched forwards, trying to grasp at the bat Negan had in his hand. They were both swiftly tackled to the ground, a few kicks and punches from the Saviors as they wrangled the two of them to the ground, facing each other.

"Daryl! Jules!" Rick shouted, getting a sharp 'no!' from Negan.

"Oh, no." Negan chuckled, stepping away from Rick and crouched down in between the two of them as they were held on the ground. Juliana had he hands roughly forced behind her back and another hand holding the side of her face down in the dirt, "That is a no-no. The whole thing! Not one bit of that shit flies here!" Negan shouted. He held the red bat down in between their two faces, close enough that she could smell the scent of iron and gore. Juliana watched as another Savior got off of Daryl and Dwight stepped forwards, aiming Daryl's crossbow at him.

"No!" Juliana spat out as best as she could, struggling against her captors. Grit and dirt flying up around her as she breathed outwards.

"Do you want me to do it?" Dwight asked, staring at Daryl, "Right here."

Negan glanced from Juliana with a slight smirk on his face before turning his attention to Daryl, yanking his head up slightly by grabbing his hair, "No. No..you don't kill these two. Not until you try a little." Dwight and a few other Saviors yanked Daryl up and away from the ground, back to where he had been before, and Negan moved ever so slightly to be more visible to Juliana.

He reached out with a leather gloved hand, brushing some hair out of her eyes. Juliana flinched at the touch, causing a chuckle to come out of Negan, "I knew I liked you," he murmured to her, "But you are in a shit load of trouble, princess. Oh, fuck yeah you are. You and your little country ass, redneck boyfriend." Before she knew it, Juliana was pulled up roughly and basically tossed back in between Glenn and Rosita.

Negan stood, continuing his rant, "And anyways – that's not how it works. Now, I already told you people – first one's free, then what did I say? I said I would shut that shit down! No exceptions. Now, I don't know what kind of lyin' assholes you've been dealin' with..but I'm a man of my word. First impressions are important. I need you to know me. So!" he paused, lifting up Lucille and Juliana's heart dropped. "Back to it."

Before she could register what was happening, Negan had turned around, slamming the bat down into Glenn's head. The spray of blood and bone splattered across Juliana's face and she felt sick as she heard Maggie cry out to Glenn who was trying to say something to her as blood rushed down his face and his eyeball protruded out of his head. "Mag-gie. I'll. Find. You." He managed to stutter out.

Negan continued until Glenn didn't exist anymore, and left Juliana sitting in what was left of him; sobbing.

He ended up taking Rick away until morning, leaving the rest of the group to sit there sobbing and shaking until light came through the clearing they were in. It didn't help them much in dealing with the sudden loss of Abraham and Glenn, now that they were really able to see what was left of them.

After coming back with Rick and more threats, finally breaking Rick down into submission, she had thought it was over.

"Ah. Dwight!" Negan pointed at Daryl, "Load him up." Juliana watched as Dwight roughly pulled Daryl into the van they had all arrived in, wanting to scream and yell and rush forward to get him back. Then Negan turned back to Juliana with a sinister grin on his face, "Her too. Separate vehicle. Can't let the lovebirds get any ideas." Dwight came over to her next, pulling her up and pressed the crossbow to her back, basically dragging her across the length of the group so they would all be able to see another member of their group taken away.

Dwight shoved her into the back of another van, her back colliding with the hard metal flooring. She sat up quickly to see him staring back at her, "You did this." He told her before slamming the van doors shut, leaving her in the dark.

As soon as the doors shut, she began screaming and kicking, pounding on the metal van before collapsing down on the floor in a heap of sobs and agony as she heard the van start off and begin to drive off.

As soon as the doors shut, she began screaming and kicking, pounding on the metal van before collapsing down on the floor in a heap of sobs and agony as she heard the van start off and begin to drive off

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"Bet you thought you were gonna grow old together, sittin' around the table at Sunday dinner and the happily ever after. No. Doesn't work like that, Rick. Not anymore." She remembered his words to Rick, and a vision of all of them sitting around together. Happy. Glenn and Maggie with their baby. Sasha pregnant. And there was Daryl, holding their own baby.

It was just a dream that would never come to fruition. Things would never be the same.

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