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She kept close to Daryl as they shuffled along with the small group. Juliana would brush her shoulder occasionally, making sure he was still there. She noted he had a tight grip on his crossbow, and his eyes darted around between the group of men who cackled and carried on like they didn't have a care in the world.

Joe had fallen back to walk in stride with Juliana and Daryl. She couldn't help but have a nervous feeling wash over her, and shifted over closer to Daryl. Joe noticed this, letting out a chuckle as he looked over at the two of them.

"You never told me your name, darlin'," Joe drawled out.

Daryl shot a glare in his direction, "She doesn't have to tell ya' nothin'."

Another chuckle rose from Joe throat, followed by a sigh, "How'd ya get that black eye, huh?" he questioned. They had already assumed Daryl had beat her up, and Juliana wasn't stupid. She offered him a shy shrug, avoiding eye contact with the older man.

"None of your business," Juliana retorted. This caused Joe to let out a hearty laugh. He swung his arm over her shoulders, squeezing her as if she were some old friend. Visibly flinching, her eyes darted nervously to Daryl whose finger had found its way to the trigger of the crossbow.

"Well God damn!" his arm moved from around her shoulders, giving her a brief pat on the back before his arm dropped down by his side, "Sounds like you've got some tough bitch to keep in line there, Daryl. No wonder she's got that black eye."

Rage boiled in Juliana. She wanted so badly to ball up her fist and sock him square in the face. Daryl's body language was no better; tense and angry himself, she could tell he was on the verge of losing his shit as well. She was thankfully when Joe picked up his pace, and the two of them fell to the back of the group, shuffling along behind them.

"Go along with it," Daryl murmured to her.

Her eyes drifted over in his direction, and he returned the gaze, looking down at her. Heat suddenly rose in her throat, and her hand flew to her mouth to stifle the unexpected sob that escape from her. His gaze lowered and his feet came to a stop. Daryl reached out pulling Juliana towards him. His fingers tangled in her hair as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. Juliana's breath hitched, and she wasn't sure if it was from his surprising action, or the aftermath of the sob.

"Enough of that shit!" Joe called out, causing the two of them to break apart quickly. Juliana cleared her throat, nudging at Daryl to continue after Joe and the rest of the gang turned their attention away from the two of them again.

"She's not dead," Juliana spoke up. Daryl glanced at her sideways, shrugging. "She's not," she insisted, eyes narrowing slightly in his direction, "Whatever we were in was some sort of..trap. They knew we were there. They had to have known Beth didn't have any weapons on her," she paused, "They picked her out. Because they think she's weak," Daryl remained silent still. "She's not weak. You know that."

He mumbled a barely audible 'yeah' before that all too familiar silence fell between the two of them. It was a comfortable silence; wrapping around Juliana like a blanket. There had always been an odd sort of understanding between the two of them in the quiet. It made her feel safer, even if Daryl didn't say anything, she knew he understood.

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