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They took their weapons; roughly shoving each of them into the back of an old passenger van. Glenn and Michonne were first, followed by Rosita and then Juliana. Dwight stepped up behind her, giving her a shove that caused her to stumble forwards, her shins hitting the sharp edge of the old bumper of the van. A shuffling sound behind her caused Juliana to stand and turn around quickly to see Daryl, even in his broken and bruised state, had lunged towards Dwight. Dwight had the upper hand, with a gun pressed up firmly to Daryl's forehead, his head cocked slightly to one side.

"Don't." He warned, staring down Daryl, "You're really gonna do this shit for some bitch?"

Juliana noticed Daryl's jaw clench and his fingers curl into his palms, his knuckles turning white as the rage boiled up inside of him.

"Daryl – " Juliana started and stepped forward. This caused Dwight to whip around, now aiming his gun at her head instead.

"Really? You two just can't stay out of fucking trouble, can you?"

Juliana's hands had raised slightly as a sign that she wasn't going to try anything, despite how badly she wanted to thrust her fingers into the corners of Dwight's eyes and push down. Swallowing thickly, her gaze drifted over to Daryl for a moment before turning back to Dwight, "You know what you're fuckin' doing when you do that shit, and I know sure as fuck you're not gonna shoot either of us cause he told you no."

Dwight's finger twitched on the trigger, and his gaze faltered from her for a moment, "Get in the fucking van," he hissed under his breath, suddenly holstering the gun and motioned to the men behind him who each had a hand on Daryl, push him forwa...

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Dwight's finger twitched on the trigger, and his gaze faltered from her for a moment, "Get in the fucking van," he hissed under his breath, suddenly holstering the gun and motioned to the men behind him who each had a hand on Daryl, push him forward and into the back of the van. Juliana followed behind him, settling down onto the floor across from him.

Dwight stepped up to the back of the van, "Have a great ride," he said darkly, slamming the double doors to the back shut. Darkness engulfed them quickly, and it wasn't too long after until the van roared to life and they jerked forwards slightly as it went into gear.

Juliana was the first to speak up, trying to adjust to the darkness and figure out where everyone was, "We can try to get out. Come on-"

She could faintly see Glenn kitty corner from her, shaking his head slightly, "And do what, Jules? Jump out and risk getting hurt? Or shot? Daryl can't do that like this."

Her fist balled up and she slammed it into the floor of the van, "No! Fuck!"

From in front of her, Daryl shifted forwards slightly, "Hey," he murmured to her. Slowly, he moved forwards, letting out a groan as he moved the short distance across the back to settle down next to her.

"Jesus, Daryl," she said in almost a whisper, "You were right," she told him, shaking her head slightly, "I was thinkin' about myself. I should have gone with you and Rosita. I should've gone with you."

"Stop," he grumbled, wincing slightly.

Noticing an old blanket on the opposite end, Juliana reached out, dragging the blanket towards her. She pulled it up, draping it around Daryl's shoulders, tugging it around him snugly.

They sat in an awkward silence, slightly jostling around as the van went over bumps and dips in the road. Juliana's hand had found its way to Daryl's forearm, and she wrapped her fingers around his arm.

"Where do you think they're taking us?" Michonne asked from over in Glenn's direction.

"Jules?" Glenn questioned.

Juliana looked up in their direction through the dark, "I just remember this..warehouse. I don't think they'd take us there. They blindfolded me when they took me out. They ain't gonna give where they live out to just anyone."

"Smart," Michonne breathed out, followed by a sigh.

The van started to come to a slow crawl, and then finally a stop. The creak of the parking brake up front being pulled back echoed through the back of the van. Slamming doors and voices became obvious as they surrounded them now. Juliana's grip tightened slightly on Daryl's forearm and his hand came to lay over hers.

"You know," Juliana started, her voice low enough so only Daryl could hear, "When this shit started, the walkers were the most fuckin' scary thing I've ever seen. Then I was on my own for a long time and they weren't so scary. But ya know what scares me the most now? The fuckin' people," she admitted.

Daryl didn't answer her right away and sat quietly, his head bowed slightly, "I ain't ever been scared of nothin' except one thing."


Daryl's head lifted, turning slightly towards her and at that same instant his hand tightened around hers on his arm, "You."

Juliana scoffed slightly, almost laughing despite their situation, "I ain't scary, Daryl."

"No. I-" Daryl was cut short by the back doors opening up. They were all blinded by bright flood lights and the headlights of vehicles.

"Come on," It was Dwight, "You got people to meet." He reached in, pulling Juliana out roughly away from Daryl, and then Michonne and Rosita and Glenn. Juliana's heart sank as soon as her eyes adjusted to the scene in front of her.

Rick. Carl. Maggie. Abraham. Aaron. Eugene. Sasha.

They were all on their knees and terrified. Dwight shoved Juliana down in between Glenn and Rosita before turning his attention back to Glenn who noticed Maggie diagonal from him. Dwight hissed at him to get on his knees as Glenn tried to reach for her, pulling him back. Juliana's gaze drifted between everyone before falling on Daryl.

"All right!" One of the men shouted from in front of them, "We got a full boat. Let's meet the man."

He stepped backwards towards an RV, knocking twice on the door. The door creaked open, and from the dark interior of the RV hopped down Negan from the top step with that baseball bat slung over his shoulder.

"Pissin' our pants yet?" a mischievous grin crossed his lips as he strode forwards confidently, "Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close." He prowled around, surveying the lineup of them on their knees, gloating in what he had achieved already, "It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon." His gaze flickered between all of them, "Which one of you pricks is the leader?"

"It's this one. He's the guy."

Negan hadn't noticed Juliana yet, and now his full attention was on Rick. He took a couple heavy steps forward, head tilted slightly to one side.

"Hi. I'm Negan."

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