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Edison's Apothecary was in an old, worn out strip mall. By now, the years of being abandoned were apparent. A few shopping carts lay haphazardly around the mostly empty parking lot that still held a few cars that were layered with a thin coating of film from the air and dried blood splattered along the rusting paint.

The wind picked up as the four of them made their way across the parking lot, kicking up some leaves and tossing them around in a swirling motion up into the air and back down again. In front of the store front, the boarded-up windows were covered in old hand prints, and a couple of walkers lay scattered outside as well, decayed enough that many of them had begun to mummify.

In typical Daryl fashion, he took the lead, stepping up to the door. Juliana watched as he laid his ear against the closed door, listening for any possible walkers that may still be shuffling around inside. With a single nod, he handed his weapon over to Rosita, who took it, sliding it over her shoulder.

"You're gonna stay back, got it?" he told Denise and tilted his chin in Juliana's direction, "Jules will stay with ya'." Juliana's face hardened slightly, biting the inside of her cheek. She knew he was doing it because he cared, and he was worried something may happen to her again, but she wasn't the type to sit by and be idle, either. Well, maybe just this once for him.

Denise mouthed an 'okay' to him before he whipped out an old crowbar out from the pack he was carrying to pry open the door. With the gun he tossed Rosita, she raised it, ready for anything or anyone that would come stumbling out of the door and Juliana did the same. With a crack and a pop, the door creaked open. Rosita handed Daryl's gun back to him before adjusting her own from around her back. The three of them stepped carefully into the small store, the smell of old rotting food and mold and mildew hit them hard in the face. Aside from the smells, it seemed as if the building was all clear and they lowered their weapons slightly.

Denise let out a gag, coughing and covering her mouth as she turned away from the three of them. Raising an eyebrow at her slightly, Juliana couldn't help but grin, "We gonna find out what you had for breakfast?" she teased.

"Oatmeal," Denise replied dryly. "Just so you know."

Juliana huffed at her comment, but was glad Denise hadn't actually gotten sick and still managed to have a sense of humor about it. "Here," Juliana reached to her back pocket, pulling out the flash light Daryl had passed her on their way up to the store, "You lead, I'll follow."

Nodding, Denise clicked on the flashlight and drifted away from Daryl and Rosita who were busy checking the rest of the store out. Juliana followed close behind her, finally coming to stand next to her when Denise stopped at a counter, peering down into the glass case.

"You have kids?" Denise asked, glanced over to Juliana.

Juliana blinked, a little taken aback at her comment, but when her eyes drifted downward to the pictures Denise had been gazing at she let out a sigh, shaking her head, "No. Don't get caught up on that shit." She mumbled.

Before Denise could reply, Rosita caught their attention, motioning at them to come over. Daryl was already prying open the security gate for the counter that led to, what they hoped, was a still decently stocked pharmacy.

As Daryl struggled with prying open the sliding door, Juliana watched as Denise wandered over to a rotating stand that had a bunch of keychains with names on them.

"Want me to find yours?" Denise asked, looking over her shoulder.

Tilting her head slightly to one side, Juliana raised an eyebrow at her, "Nah, I'm good."

Finally getting the door open, Daryl and Rosita hopped seamlessly over the counter and onto the over side, the lights of their flash lights bouncing off of dirty walls and dusty pill bottles.

"If you set them on the counter I can tell you which."

"No," Daryl told her, "We're gonna take it all."

"Are you sure? Because – "

Juliana cut her off, placing a hand on her shoulder, "No. It's fine. Who else ya' think's gonna use this, huh? Better for us." Denise sighed defeatedly and Juliana's hand dropped away from her shoulder.

A sudden, light thudding and moaning came from somewhere in the store. It sounded muffled, but the group stopped, listening for a second. Denise's eyes were wide with worry at the sound of the walker in the store with them.

"It's fine. Just sounds like one," Juliana reassured her, moving towards the counter.

"Yeah, sounds like it's stuck," Daryl added before motioning towards Juliana, "Hey ya' wanna hop in here and help for a sec? She'll be fine."

Nodding, Juliana glanced over her shoulder for a second at Denise, "Just..stay here," she mumbled to her, shrugging off her gun and set it on the counter. Placing her hands on either side, she pushed herself up, wincing slightly as a small, sharp pain zipped through her shoulder. It must have been evident on her face, because Daryl paused as he was shoving pill bottles into the pack.

"All right?" he questioned. Juliana nodded a few times, sliding herself up and over the counter and onto the other side.

"Yeah," she muttered, and began to follow suit of Daryl and Rosita, quickly taking everything and shoving it into the two packs.

Moments later, Denise came stumbling out of a back room, tumbling into a shelf that rocked sending a few glass vases crashing onto the floor. The three of them stopped, staring at Denise from across the room.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Rosita hissed. Juliana watched as Denise told her: 'nothing' and stormed out the door. The three of them looked at each other, quietly deciding that they had enough and zipped up their packs, grabbed their weapons and headed out the door.

Denise was sitting with her back up against the building, head turned away from them. Juliana gingerly touched Daryl's arm, urging him to say something to Denise. She knew she was upset; the three of them weren't exactly the most affectionate to be around, and it must have been difficult for Denise with whatever she saw in there.

"Hey," Daryl spoke up, "You did a good job findin' this place."

Juliana nodded in agreement, stepping over a graying, stiff body on the ground to get to Denise, "Yeah, it'll help a shit ton of people," she extended her hand out to Denise, who sniffled and took it.

"We tried to tell you, you weren't ready," Rosita said quietly.

"Yeah," Denise muttered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"C'mon," Juliana spoke up quickly to try and break up the awkwardness, "Let's get movin'."

The four of them headed out, their bags full and ready to get back to Alexandria.

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