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Her head felt like she was underwater as she stared back at Dwight. Her finger's twitched against the cool metal of her gun, tapping her index finger against the trigger, the butt of the gun pressed up tight against her cheek. Dwight was speaking, but his words were muffled and cloudy as they passed through her ears; the anger that surged through her overtaking all her other emotions. If there was one thing that gave her some sort of solace, was that she knew how afraid Dwight was when Negan had caught him and brought him back to his compound, and his face proved what Negan had done to him.

A slight touch on her lower back brought her back to reality, and she slowly brought the gun down. Glancing over to Daryl, she noticed that he wasn't looking in her direction as his hand dropped away from her, but was staring directly at Dwight, his body shaking slightly: he was pissed.

"You got somethin' to say to me?" Dwight stared back at Daryl, "You gonna clear the air?" At the same time, Rosita and Juliana turned their heads to Daryl at Dwight's question, both with concerned looks on their faces. Dwight continued, "Step up on that high horse?"


A smirk rolled up onto the distorted side of Dwight's face, "You don't talk much." With a sharp nod of his head, he motioned to a couple men behind him to step up to take their weapons. His eyes turned back to Juliana, head tilting ever so slightly to one side.

"You still mean what you said, sweet heart?"

Juliana's freehand curled into a tight fist, fingernail's digging into the skin of her palms and knuckles turning white. The men Dwight had sent forward were patting them down now, hands on their weapons, ready to take them.

"I ain't no fuckin' liar," she hissed at him through gritted teeth, "I'll kill you."

Dwight scoffed, shaking his head at her as the men roughly yanked her gun out of her hands, followed by pulling the knife that she had strapped around her upper thigh, "How ya' gonna do that when I look like I'm the one at an advantage here, huh?" he casually flipped Daryl's crossbow around in his hand, now diverting his attention back to him, "Still getting the hang of her. Kick's like a bitch, but –"

"I should've done it." Daryl interrupted.

"Oh, what's that?" Dwight turned his ear towards Daryl, "Seriously, I didn't catch what you said."

"I should've killed you."

He nodded slightly, "Yeah, you and your girl should've when you had the chance. Kinda funny how we didn't even know she was part of your group. She kept her mouth shut and suffered to keep one of you safe, from what I heard," his eyes traveled up and down Daryl, "Turns out that asshole just had to be you."

The wind whistling cut through the trees, stirring up piles of leaves around them all as silence fell between the two groups. Juliana's gaze fell to Eugene, who was still shaking on his knees in front of Dwight before they flickered over to Dwight's hand wrapped around Daryl's crossbow; that was a part of Daryl, it didn't belong to him, and Juliana wanted so bad to beat the shit out of him and get back what he stole from Daryl. But, they were outnumbered and weaponless.

"So," Dwight began again, "Here we are. Kind of begs the question, right? Who brought this on who?" his gaze went between Daryl and Juliana, as if he were deciding who was more at fault, "I mean, I get that you'll just have to take my word for this but ..she wasn't even the one I was aiming for."

Seeing his eyes on Daryl, she couldn't help it. Juliana began to take a couple large steps forwards, but Daryl was quick to wrap an arm around his waist, dragging her back against him - hard. All weapons were trained on her now as she furiously pointed a finger at Dwight, fire blazing behind her eyes, "You're a fuckin' coward!" she shouted at Dwight, who only chuckled slightly at her, offering Juliana a shrug.

"What can I say? Kicks like a bitch. It's nothing personal." He paused a moment, "Look, this isn't how we like to start new business arrangements, but, well, you pricks kind of set the tone, didn't you?"

"What do you want?" Rosita hissed at him.

"I'm sorry, darlin', I didn't catch your name. I'm D, or Dwight. You can call me either. So? What's your name?"

Rosita stomped her foot down as if asserting her dominance, tilting her head to one side, "Rosita. What do you want?"

"Well, Rosita," he drew out, "It's not what I want. It's what you and Daryl are going to do. You're going to let us into your little complex; it looks like it's just beautiful in there. And then you're going to let us take whatever, and whoever we want – which reminds me. I know I said it's not what I want," he pointed at Juliana, "But I already know someone who's looking for you, so even after Rosita and Daryl take us back to your complex, you're coming with us."

"Like hell!" Juliana spat.

Dwight's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed at Eugene's collar roughly, shaking him, "OR!" his voice rose an octave, "We'll blow Eugene's brain's out. And then Rosita's. And then your boyfriends. I hope it doesn't come to that, really. Nobody else has to die. We just try and start with one. You know – maximum impact to get our point across. So, what's it gonna be? You tell me."

"You wanna kill someone start with our companion hiding over there behind the oil barrels," Eugene spoke up finally, turning his head in the direction of the oil barrels he had mentioned. Dwight licked his lips, following Eugene's gaze, "He's a first-class a-hole and deserves it so much more than us four." Their eyes widened slightly at Eugene admitting to the back up of whoever was hiding behind the barrels. They all turned to look over in that direction, including Dwight who un-holstered his gun from his side.

Suddenly, a scream came from Dwight and their attention now turned back to him to see Eugene biting down on Dwight's dick. Juliana couldn't help but feel some weird sense of pride over the normally introvert Eugene. Now wasn't the time to hug and get all touchy feely as gun shots rang out from behind the thick tree line. The three of them jumped into action, using the advantage of distraction to take out a couple of Dwight's men to get their weapons back and take aim back at their assailants.

It didn't take long for the gun fight to bring in walkers from every direction. Though they were scattered about, it was just another issue along with the returning fire they had to deal with. "Fall back! Fall back!" Juliana heard Dwight yell as smoke from the gun began to accumulate around them. Juliana and Daryl both began to unload their weapons in Dwight's direction until they both clicked, signaling empty cartridges. Juliana was the first to move, sliding over the car hood she and Daryl had been hiding behind to race after Dwight. Daryl was close behind her, and just as she stepped over it, he had reached down and grabbed his crossbow.

"Daryl, Jules! Stop!" Rosita shouted at them. They both stopped in their tracks, and as much as they wanted to chase after Dwight and give him what he deserved, Denise's body came back into view and reality hit them hard in the face again. Denise was gone. Another person that had broken through to both of them had died and Juliana couldn't help but feel responsible.

A/N: What are you guys thinking of season 8? Honestly, I'm digging it. It's so creative and the shots are BEAUTIFUL. ALSO, are you OG fans quaking like me from last episode? My god.
Remember to leave comments, fam! More updates to come..we're not done yet!

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