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They fell into a weird sort of routine when they arrived back at The Sanctuary. Of course, they still kept Daryl and Juliana apart as much as they could, and the only time the two were able to even see each other were when they caught glimpses of one another as they were passing by. She was never sure were Daryl was, but Dwight was usually the one who was trailing close behind him. Except for today.

Juliana had been tasked with sweeping the lower level of the building where most everyone congregated to trade points for supplies. Dwight stood close by her, yanking an apple off a table as he kept watch over her as she worked.

"Don't you need points for that?" she muttered under her breath.

Dwight's chewing slowed slightly, obviously having caught what she had said, "What was that?" he questioned.

She didn't answer, and continued to sweep, her back turned towards him.

Setting the apple back down onto the table, he took a few long steps towards her, twisting her around to face him, "You really still have a fucking mouth on you, huh? Even after what he's done?"

Juliana narrowed her eyes at Dwight, her grip tightening around the broom handle, "What about what you've done?"

Dwight was quiet. The two of them staring at each other until Negan's voice spurred Dwight out of his staring contest with Juliana. He jumped slightly at the sound of Negan's voice behind him, quickly turning and dropping down on one knee, shoving Juliana down by the shoulder as he did so.

"Stand up, Dwight," Negan ordered.

Dwight did as he was told, pulling Juliana up with him. Negan's head cocked to one side slightly, a grin crossing his features as he set his attention on Juliana.

"Well, aren't you a good little worker bee."

She was silent as his comment, adverting her eyes away from him. This didn't please Negan, who stepped forward grasping a hold of her chin roughly and forced her to look at him, "Things could be so much easier for your, darlin'. All of this pain and suffering could be over. You just gotta say the word. Tell me who you are."

"Go to hell," she spat out at him through gritted teeth.

Negan chuckled lowly dropping his hand away from her. He had turned slightly away from the two of them before whipping back around, slapped Juliana hard across the side of her face. Her hand flew up to her face moments after the impact. It'd been hard enough that it had split her bottom lip open and she was sure she probably had the perfect imprint of a hand across her face.

It was the first time she had seen Negan lose his cool and composed demeanor. He hid it quickly though; his eyes were only wild for a second before smoothing his hair back, pointing over at Dwight, "Take her back to a cell. Let her go hungry tonight."

Dwight didn't hesitate, roughly pulling and pushing her all the way to the corridor where the cells were located.

Before he was able to get too far, a Savior rounded the corner, beckoning him over. "Hey! Negan needs you right away."

Dwight looked conflicted, looking back and forth between the other man and Juliana before he made his final decision, shoving her down into an old folding chair that was against the wall. "Stay here. Don't move." He gave her an odd look then, one that even confused Juliana – was he giving her the option to run?

She waited until Dwight and the other man disappeared around the corner before she made her move. She had already decided well ahead of time that if she was ever given the chance to escape, she was going to try.

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