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"You find anything?" Juliana asked as the three of them opened cabinets, searching for something to eat. Beth pulled open the fridge to find it empty, causing both her and Juliana to let out a sigh of defeat. Daryl was far luckier in finding something. Yanking open two of the top cabinets, they reveled well-stocked shelves.

"Woah," Beth mouthed, standing next to Daryl she stared up in awe at the food choices above them.

"Peanut butter and jelly," Daryl told the two of them, twisting around cans and bottles to read their labels, "Diet soda, and pig's feet. That's a white trash brunch right there."

"Looks good to me," Juliana muttered, reaching up to grab a jar of peanut butter and jelly. Beth reached underneath her, grabbing her own cans of food.

Their jubilation was short lived, as Daryl hesitated, holding a can in his hand. "No, hold up." He told them, "Ain't a speck of dust on this." Juliana and Beth both simultaneously looked down at the jars in their hands.

"So?" Beth looked at Daryl and Juliana.

"It means someone just put this here," Juliana told Beth, turning back to look at the open cabinet, "It's someone's stash." Her fingers wrapped around the can tightly, debating whether or not to put it back. "Maybe they're still alive," she mused out loud.

"Alright," Daryl started, "We'll take some of it and we'll leave the rest."

"I knew it," Beth said with a smile as she placed a can back onto the shelf.

"Knew what?"

"It's just like I said: there are still good people." Daryl didn't reply to Beth, and instead dipped two fingers into a jar of jelly, scooping up a glob of the sweet condiment and shoved it into his mouth. Beth made a face of disgust.

"Ew, gross!"

Daryl shrugged her off, pointing at a jar of pig's feet that was still on the shelf, "Hey, those pig's feet are mine."

"All yours, Dixon," Juliana teased, grinning over at him.

When they had finished with a couple jars, Daryl went outside to string up a line of cans that stretched along the entrance way that led up to the porch so they'd be able to hear anyone or anything that came wandering up onto the porch.

Beth and Juliana had found a small room with a piano. Beth's face had lit up at the sight up it, and it didn't take her long to settle down at it and begin playing. Juliana had set her gun up against the wall next to the single couch in the room, and settled down onto the couch, sinking into it. As Beth began to hit the keys on the piano and music filled her ears, Juliana felt her eyes get heavy.

But just as she felt herself start to drift off, Daryl cleared his throat, causing both her and Beth to jump. Juliana sat up quickly, meeting Daryl's eyes as he mumbled a 'sorry' to her.

"The place is nailed up tight," he informed them, walking into the room and setting his crossbow down next to Juliana's gun, "Only way in is through the front door." He then jumped up into the empty, open casket in the room.

"What are you doing?" Juliana asked from the sofa.

"This is the comfiest bed I've had in years," He swung his legs over into the casket, shimming down to get more comfortable.

"Really?" Beth raised an eyebrow at him, a crooked grin on her face.

"I ain't kiddin'," he let out a sigh as his head hit the pillow and Julianna shifted so she was laying down on the sofa again, legs hanging off the end.
"Why don't you go ahead and play some more?" Daryl suggested. "Keep singin'."

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