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It didn't work out the way they had planned. But at this point, Juliana was wondering why she assumed anything they ever tried would work out how they wanted it to. Eugene had betrayed them; choosing Negan over them, and Sasha had snuck inside the fence with Juliana close behind her before Rosita had a chance to get in. She cursed at Juliana, telling her she didn't need to be in with her but she wouldn't have it. She had been here before and she could help.

So they left Rosita, urging her to go back to the group while they rampaged inside. It didn't take long for the two of them to be apprehended, and Juliana was back to a familiar spot; back in the very same cell.

"You can't seem to stay away, can you?" Negan's voice cut through the small, damp room, jolting Juliana out of her skin. "Oh-ho!" he chided, smirking as he stepped in further, "If I had that affect on every woman I met I'd be a fuckin' lady killer."

Her head snapped upwards, eyes narrowed at his figure as he loomed over her from her seated position on the concrete floor.

"But I suppose you think I already am one, right? Literally." he let out a heavy sigh, and came to crouch down in front of her, Lucille hanging loosely in his grip, "You know how this ends, Juliana." Her name rolling off his tongue felt like a stab in the gut, and he continued on, "You've got balls like your friend Sasha, but you knew this shit wasn't gonna work; yet here you are. Back in the same fucking place, and you're still refusing to listen to anything I've got to say."

He waited for a moment before continuing, "What's Daryl gonna do when he knows I've got his girl again?"

Juliana jolted forward, reaching out for Negan's shirt as she tried to grab him and slam his head into the wall behind him. He was too quick, however, and wrapped his hands around her shoulders, dropping Lucille in the process, and swung her around, slamming Juliana up against the wall. It knocked the air out of her as her body made contact with the cool concrete; a gasp escaping her lips as the wind left her lungs.

"Did I hit a fucking delicate subject, huh?" his fingers squeezed into her shoulders, causing Juliana to flinch from the sharp pain that it caused to radiate down her arms and up into her shoulder, "If you want your fucking redneck to live you really should throw me a fucking bone here, princess. I'm not being as nice to you as I am to your buddy Sasha, but I know you," he grinned, "You like it rough."

"Go to hell," she spat.

Negan chuckled, shaking his head, "Get real, Juliana. You're never gonna get your boy again if you keep up this stubborn bullshit. Either he's gonna kill himself gettin' to you, or I'm gonna bash his brains in myself."

Something suddenly snapped within Juliana. It could have been the trauma from previously being in The Sanctuary, or the threat that Negan was making became all too real. Juliana shouted: "I'll fuckin' help you!" at the man.

He released her almost instantly, a satisfied grin appearing on that smug mouth of his as he bent down to pick up Lucille, "That's the smartest damn decision you've made all day, princess."


In the midst of the chaos she never did know where Sasha had gone. Juliana was shuffled onto one of the backs of the trucks with Eugene and was told she was going to give some sort of speech; and if she didn't there were rules not to hesitate to shoot her.

She spoke through the megaphone about how they all needed to give up to make their lives better. Some bullshit about how they were all Negan. It was half-assed and held nothing behind it, but it was done.

It wasn't until Negan brought out a coffin that Juliana made the connection where Sasha was. It was the reason he kept the two apart; because he knew Juliana would go back on her word to help him for Sasha's sake. 

And then she came stumbling out of the coffin as a walker and Juliana's heart sank. Guilt instantly turned inside her veins, settling in the pit of her stomach. Beth. Glenn. Abe. Sasha. The amount of lives that she felt she could have, and should have saved were adding up and Juliana felt that she was the cause of their deaths. It could have all been prevented.

The guilt she was feeling flipped quickly, turning into rage towards The Saviors. Grabbing the nearest object she could, which happened to been an odd piece of steel from the back of one of the trucks, she whipped around, clocking the nearest Savior in the head. Without hesitating, Juliana grabbed for their weapon, using it to take out the next person as she began to back up towards the gate of Alexandria.

"Jules!" through the gunfire she heard Daryl's voice yell out to her just on the other side of a few vehicles that were parked just in front of the gate.

As she turned to see where he was at, their eyes met for a second before a sharp, hot sting shot through Juliana's side. She could see Daryl's eyes widen, looking almost wild as he began yelling towards her. The words sounded fuzzy as they reached her ears, and Juliana next felt her legs buckle and knees hit the ground.

At least the last thing she'd see would be him.

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