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Daryl and Juliana didn't waste much time trying to figure out how to get The Kingdom involved with taking out Negan. They had paired up with Richard despite neither Daryl or Juliana really trusting the man, but they weren't going to sit around and do nothing. Neither of them were going to take this lying down.

He led the two of them miles out of town, down a road that The Saviors traveled often where they could be easily ambushed. She had fallen back a little ways behind Richard as they wandered, falling back to walk beside Daryl. There was an odd silence between the two of them; wanting to say something, anything,to the other, but struggling to find anything to say. Needless to say, Juliana was more than surprised when Daryl was the first to speak up.

"Y'okay?" he muttered, his eyes shifting from the back of Richard's head over to her for a brief moment.

"Angry," she admitted, shifting her gun around her shoulder slightly, "Tired."

Daryl's face softened ever so slightly when she mentioned she was tired. He knew she wasn't talking about being physically exhausted.

Richard veered off the road before Daryl could say anything else, and the two of them exchanged a quick glance between each other before putting their game faces on,following him behind two tractor trailers that had veered off the road creating a makeshift blockade.

"They ride this road. If we can see cars, it's The Saviors. They've been coming in packs of two or three lately. That's why I need you two. I can't take them alone."

He shifted his bag off of his back,setting it against the side of the semi as he knelt down, unzipping the top compartment, "We're gonna hit them with the guns first, and then the Molotov's. Then back to the guns until they're dead."

"Why the fire?" Daryl questioned,gesturing to the Molotov cocktails Richard had pulled out from his backpack.

"Needs to look bad. The Savior's who discover what's left.." he stood, facing the two of them, "We want them to be angry. I left I trail here to the weapons cache I planted to the cabin of someone that Ezekiel cares about."

Juliana, who had been half listening the entire time, turned her attention to Richard, "Who's that?"

"It's just some loner he met.Sometimes he brings food."

She glanced out of the corner of her eye to catch Daryl glancing at her at the same moment. They both had the same thought: this could be Carol. It had to be.

"Why don't they live in The Kingdom?"Juliana pressed.

Richard shrugged, "I don't know. She lives out there, she'll die out there."

The two of them stilled. Juliana felt her stomach flip, "..It's a woman?"

"What does that matter? She's got more balls than Daryl and me! She's gonna die either way."

Juliana had stepped closer to Daryl,reaching out with her free hand to grab a fistful of the back of his shirt. Her fingers curled tightly around the fabric, using Daryl to keep herself in check for this moment; but she wouldn't be able to control anything once she let go.

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