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Jesus had taken them to The Kingdom; another community to try to round up to get revenge on Negan.

To win this war.

Juliana and Rick's ability to see eye to eye had never been great, and now it was non-existent. She kept her mouth shut for Daryl's sake, though even they had begun to argue more and more. Juliana irritated that he refused to stand up for himself, swearing that Rick was just taking advantage of him. Daryl argued that she was just still upset from what had happened, and Rick was a good leader.

She couldn't remember the last time that she had touched him. Regardless of Daryl's romantic admission to her a few days earlier, she felt herself building walls, second guessing everything. Second guessing if she should had even perused him; allowed herself to feel something for someone else. She felt guilty not only for herself but for Daryl. She was a crutch to him – there were times he could have gone on without her, been safe, but he stayed behind. He always came back for her.

Love was war.

The group was impressed by The Kingdom, with the ample supply of gardens. She wasn't sure the last time she'd actually seen a young kid aside from Judith, and The Kingdom even had an outdoor school for a handful of them. It was almost strange for her to see at this point.

They had found Morgan again. Rick had mentioned to them both that Morgan had gone off looking for Carol when she took off. Juliana couldn't blame her, though. Carol was smart, and always underestimated. She was probably feeling the exact same way Juliana was. Her mind flickered for a moment, realizing she was assuming she was still alive.

"Did you find Carol?" Rick asked Morgan.

He nodded, "Yeah."

"Where is she?" Juliana practically blurted out, "Is she okay?"

"She was..here. And then she left." Juliana's eyes narrowed slightly in confused as Morgan continued, "You know, she wasn't too happy with me following her. She wanted to get away from us, from everyone. But when I found her, she was shot. It was just a graze, but I got her back here. They got doctors. They're good."

She noticed a stillness come over Daryl, "Was it them?"

Morgan nodded slowly, "It was. She had crossed with some of them, and one of them followed her, tried to kill her. But I stopped him. I killed him. I had to." He paused for a moment, "Carol was here. She got help. Now she's gone."

"Is she dead?"

"She's just..gone."

Juliana's memories floated back to what she had overheard between Daryl and Rick. When Beth had been kidnapped. Before they knew it was the last time they would see her alive. She turned quickly away from Morgan, arms crossed against her chest with her head bowed down. No more words were said between the men, and she could hear the shuffling of their boots against gravel as they walked away.

And then there was Daryl.

She could feel the heat radiating off the palm of his hand as if hovered over her shoulder, but it quickly disappeared. He was treating her as if she was going to break, and maybe Daryl wasn't too far off, maybe she was going to break soon.

"C'mon," he mumbled, "We gotta go in."

Swallowing thickly, she ran a hand through her hair and nodded, following after him. Being the last one in, she was shocked to see a man, sitting on a throne, and a very large cat next to him.

"Holy shit," Juliana blurted out, "That's a fuckin' tiger."

"Ain't no fuckin' cat," Daryl muttered under his breath next to her.

His comment caused her to grin slightly, and she turned her eyes to look up at him at just the right moment to see him looking down at her. It was an odd look; one she hadn't noticed from him before – or maybe it was one she had missed.


When it was all said and done, Ezekiel, The King, had refused to help them with The Saviors. He did, however, allow Juliana and Daryl to stay hidden in The Kingdom after escaping Negan. Both Juliana and Daryl were opposed to this idea, neither of them being the type of people to hide and lay low while they could be out doing something. Anything.

When the gates closed between the two of them and the rest of the group, she turned to Daryl, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "We ain't gonna lay low, are we?"

"Hell no."

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