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"I need your help, Jules," Maggie came up to Juliana as she was sitting on the front steps of the house she was sharing with Carol, absentmindedly picking at her nails. She squinted as she lifted her head up to look at Maggie.

"If It's about Rick-"

Maggie cut her off before she could speak, "It is. I know you're not his biggest fan, but you do know what will happen if they try to kick him out, right?"

Juliana let out a sigh, brushing away a strand of dark hair that had blown in her face, "Yeah," she mumbled, "He's either gonna kill 'em all or we'll be shit outta luck again," she paused for a moment before asking: "What makes you think they wanna kick him out?"

Maggie scoffed slightly, "What else do you think they'd do?"

Slapping her hands down on her upper thighs she let out a groan as she stood up, stepping off of the last step and over to Maggie, "You're right. Let's get this shit on the road."

With a faint smile, Maggie nodded at Juliana and the two began their way towards Deanna's house. "Thanks, Jules. I know you and Daryl are close, and I know Rick values his opinion a lot, but since he's not here.."

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, walking in step with Maggie, "No problem, Maggie."

It didn't take them long to reach Deanna's home, which was right down the street. They stepped up onto the front porch, Maggie taking the lead while Juliana stood behind her, hands shoved in the pockets of her coat. Maggie knocked, and waited. The door finally creaked open and Reg poked his head out, offering a smile to the two of them.

"Maggie, Juliana. What brings you here?"

Juliana rolled her eyes, lips parting as the beginning of a sound passed through before Maggie interrupted her, "We want to talk to Deanna." Reg's face fell at the request, appearing to not enjoy confrontation. He cleared his throat and opened the door wider, stepped aside and motioning to the two to enter.

"Please, come in. I'll let Deanna know you're here."

Juliana and Maggie stepped inside and Reg shut the door behind them, ushering them further into the house. He led them to the living room, the same place where Deanna had interviewed everyone when they first came to Alexandria. Juliana remembered her interview was short and quick, she didn't have much to say and didn't want to say much. Deanna had remarked how similar she was to Daryl.

"Wait here," Reg told them, breaking Juliana out of her own thoughts. She watched as Maggie stepped towards the window, peering outside while she diverted her attention to poking at random tchotchkes on the mantle.

They didn't have to wait long until Reg came back, letting them know that Deanna was out on the porch waiting for the two of them. Maggie and Juliana exchanged a quick look between the two of them before following him out onto the covered porch.

The tension was thick in the air as soon as Maggie and Juliana came through the doorway that led out. Once again, Juliana stood slightly behind Maggie, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"What do you want to talk about, Maggie?" Deanna questioned.

"The meeting tonight."

Reg interjected before Deanna could speak first, "Maggie, if we could talk-"

"I want to talk to everyone about what happened and what we need to do about it." Deanna interrupted Reg.

Juliana scoffed from behind Maggie, "If it includes sending Rick away, it ain't gonna work." Juliana told Deanna.

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