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The wind cut through the trees around them, turning up the fallen leaves that were caught up in the turbulence of the air. The air was cold and sharp and was a welcome relief from the sweltering Georgia heat that always seemed to consume them.

Juliana was glad to be with Rick, Michonne and Carl, even if now there was a weird tension between Rick and Carl. She didn't blame Carl, though. He had just witnessed his father ripping open the throat of a man who was going to kill all of them. At the same time, Rick's actions had saved them all. Thinking back, Juliana was almost certain if it had lasted even a minute more the man who was choking her would have killed her.

"Hey," Daryl's voice rumbled, breaking her out of her thoughts, "You okay?"

Juliana shrugged her shoulders, adjusting the too large jacket she had taken off one of the men before they got rid of them, "I'm okay," she replied, glancing over at Daryl as they walked side by side on the railroad tracks. She motioned to his eye, which was slightly swollen and discolored red and purple, "How's your eye?"

Daryl replied with mumbled 'okay', his hand moved to his mouth, fingers picking at his bottom lip. Knowing Daryl long enough, she knew something was on his mind.

"Hey, Carl," Juliana slowed, "You mind letting Daryl and I talk?" Carl looked up at Juliana from underneath the wide brimmed sheriff's hat.

"Yeah, sure," he sighed, picking up his pace. Just before he could make his way past Juliana, she grabbed ahold of Carl's arm, pulling the boy into an awkward side hug. He grinned lopsidedly at her playfulness, "I owe you a chocolate bar."


As soon as Carl moved ahead of the two of them, she fell back in step with Daryl, "You're not okay."

It was almost as if a bomb went off. Daryl came to a sharp stop, turning his entire body to face Juliana, "Drop it, Jules!" he growled, shoving a finger at her chest, "You always gotta get up in my shit! I told ya' there ain't nothin' wrong!"

Juliana became just as angry, and a quick glance out of the corner of her eye determined that Rick, Michonne and Carl had stopped ahead of the two of them, passing curious and worried looks between the three of them. None of the trio would dare interrupt Juliana and Daryl's spat, though.

She slapped at his hand, causing him to withdraw his arm, hand balling up into a fist at the sudden, sharp contact from her blow.

"Knock that shit off!" she hissed, eyes narrowing at him, "You're not the only one to get to be upset."

Daryl spoke up quickly, "I ain't fuckin' upset-"

Juliana was quick to counter back, scoffing at his statement, "Biggest fuckin' joke I've ever heard, Dixon." When Juliana called Daryl by his last name, it wasn't to be cute or playful. It was almost as if calling him by his last name, to her anyways, was her reminder to him that he was part of a team, and neither of them had to play the game alone.

"We'll find Beth. I didn't die. Hell, we found Rick and Michonne and Carl!"

"That ain't the point," Daryl mumbled, beginning to distance himself from the confrontation with her.

"Then what is!?" Juliana exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

"You!" Daryl hollered.

A startled flock of crows dispersed out of a nearby pine tree, scattering up into the grey sky in a great, black blob. The wind seemed to suddenly die as Daryl's voice rose and silence followed, contrasting strangely against the odd quiet that followed. Juliana felt small, sinking back into her heels as she looked up at Daryl with big, doe-like eyes. Daryl's gaze flickered away from her and to Rick, holding out a hand to the man as he had started to make his way over to the two of them out of concern.

"Me?" Juliana finally spoke up, quietly this time.

Daryl huffed, shrugging his shoulder to adjust his crossbow that was hanging off, "I ain't talkin' 'bout it now

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Daryl huffed, shrugging his shoulder to adjust his crossbow that was hanging off, "I ain't talkin' 'bout it now."

"Jesus, Daryl, just-"

He took a giant step inwards to her, Juliana watched as his fingers dug into the palms of his hands, keeping himself from raising a hand to her out of anger. Though she knew he probably would never hurt her, she knew how frustrated Daryl could become.

"We ain't talkin' 'bout this now," he reiterated, glancing once again to the trio that was still waiting ahead for them.


He didn't wait another minute before storming off up the railroad tracks, catching up with Rick and Carl who looked back over their shoulders at Juliana. She inhaled deeply, taking a moment herself before continuing.

"You two..alright?" Michonne questioned, having stayed behind to check up on Juliana.

Juliana shrugged, tucking a strand of wild hair that had been blown out of her ponytail, "We'll be alright."

There was a pregnant pause between the two women before Michonne spoke up again.

"He cares about you, but I'm sure you know that. You must see that, right? Ever since the prison. I mean, it was rocky at first. We were all unsure of you because we thought you were a spy for The Governor, but now," Michonne offered her a smile, "Your family, Jules, and Daryl would do anything to protect his family. We all would, but," she took a breath in, "-but Daryl.." Michonne's voice trailed off, "Daryl would do anything for you."

At her words, Juliana turned her head quickly in Michonne's direction. The dark-skinned woman only offered her a small shrug, "Don't deny it, Jules. It'll eat away at the both of you."

Michonne reached over, placing a hand on Juliana's shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze and took off ahead of her, catching up with the rest of the group. Juliana kept her pace, staying a little way behind the rest of the group for now as they kept on making their way to the place they had seen scrawled on the plywood: Terminus. She knew Michonne was right, in the back of her mind she had always known she'd do whatever it took to protect Daryl, especially ever since the incident the night before. Still, she knew they both would withdraw from each other. Getting too close to someone never came to a happy ending.

Forcing her feelings into the back of her mindas best as she could, a mantra came to her mind in that moment: you are aweapon, and weapons don't weep.

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