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The temperature had dropped drastically overnight. They had managed to take down a couple of aimlessly wandering walkers to take their warmer clothing. While it was an uncomfortable feeling; taking the clothing off the dead, they needed to do it to survive, and for that reason, it was acceptable.

As daylight broke, a fog settled low on the ground giving their surroundings an eerie atmosphere. Daryl was teaching an eager Beth how to track and handle his crossbow most of the morning. Juliana fell back from the two of them, more alert than normal because of the fog.

"It's got a gun," she heard Beth say as she and Daryl stopped just before a small clearing. She settled the end of the crossbow on her shoulder, carefully stepping forwards towards the walker she had spotted. Juliana came up next to Daryl, watching Beth move stealthily in the direction of the walker who was on his knees, gnawing at something in his hands.

A sudden snap caused Beth to fall, and gained the walkers attention. Crying out she took aim at the walker, the arrow lodging itself into his mouth, but missing his brain as he let out a groan, focusing his attention on Beth. Daryl acted quickly, running out to her and yanked the crossbow from her hands, disposing of the walker with a quick blow to the head. Juliana ran to Beth, sliding on her knees up next to her, she tossed her gun to the side, pulling at the small trap that Beth had caught her heel in. Juliana dug her fingers into the rusted metal, pulling hard at it until it finally popped loose, freeing her foot.

"Can you move it?" Juliana asked, eyes filled with worry as she gingerly held her foot in her hand. By then, Daryl had come back to them, down on his knees in between the two women.

Beth grimaced, moving her foot slowly back and forth slowly at first and then rolled her ankle, making sure that it wasn't broken. Juliana dropped her hand from Beth's foot, "Yeah," Beth told her with a nod. When she stood it was another story. Her limp resulted in her using Daryl as a personal crutch, but they pressed on, looking for somewhere safer to rest.

While it was slow going due to Beth's injury, the woods opened into a large open field scattered with tombstones. A large, white house loomed in the distance as they came to a stop, Beth hopping away from Daryl as she lifted her leg up, trying to alleviate the pain.

"You okay?" Juliana asked her.

Beth nodded, "I just need to sit down."

"Alight," Daryl let out a heavy sigh, sliding his crossbow over his chest. He moved to stand in front of Beth, bending slightly at the waist, "Hop on."

Beth and Juliana exchanged confused looks, "Are you serious?" Beth wondered.

"Yeah. This is a serious piggyback. Jump up."

Juliana couldn't help but grin at Daryl's 'serious piggyback' offer to Beth, but Beth didn't decline. Placing her hands on either side of his shoulder, she awkwardly hopped up, using her good foot to press up from the ground. Daryl let out a large sigh, reaching back to wrap his hands around Beth's legs, adjusting her body so she sat a little better on his back.

"You're heavier than you look." He commented playfully, and started moving through the graveyard, Juliana at his side.

"Maybe there's people there," Beth looked to Juliana as she motioned towards the white house in the distance.

"Yeah," Daryl started, "And if there are we'll handle them." Juliana saw him glance out of the corner of his eye in her direction.

"There are still good people, Daryl," Beth reminded him. Daryl shifted Beth on his back slightly as he kept moving.

"I don't think the good ones survive," Juliana muttered to Beth.

But Beth was distracted. She had slid off Daryl's back, causing his to stop and look in the direction she was looking in. An old tombstone with the dates of birth and death were etched above the words that said: Beloved Father. Juliana moved next to Beth, giving her shoulder a small squeeze as Daryl ripped out some weeds that sprouted yellow flowers, placing them on the top of the tombstone. Juliana stepped away from the two of them, moving so she was now standing a few feet away from Daryl. Looking behind her for a moment, she saw Beth reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers together. Sweet, sweet, Beth. The teenager had wiggled a way into both of their hearts.

Coming up to the house, Daryl shrugged lightly and Beth slipped off his back. Juliana was wary of the place, which she assumed was a funeral home because of its location, because it was too clean. It didn't settle well with her, and her stomach twisted in an uncomfortable knot.

Daryl wasn't hesitant as he held his crossbow with one hand, opening the door to the house. He smacked the doorframe a few times, letting out a whistle as he readied himself for walkers to come wandering out into the foyer. Juliana had slid in next to him, gripping her gun as she peeked into the pristine interior of the home.

"Give it a minute," Daryl mumbled as he took a single step inside.

Nothing came. It was quiet.

He finally took a few more steps in, peering into the large, open rooms on either side of the hallway. Juliana followed, and Beth after her.

"It's so clean," Beth commented.

"Yeah. Someone's been tendin' to it. May still be around."

"I don't like it," Juliana said under her breath, fingers gripping the gun even tighter. She followed after Daryl as he went off to his left into a room that held an open casket. Watching him walk over to it, Juliana had to turn away as she noticed the body in the casket. For all the walkers she had killed, she felt most unnerved by the sight of this man in his casket. Daryl and Beth paused for a moment at the open casket before they all exited the room and made their way to a staircase that led downstairs, with Daryl in the lead.

The small room at the end of the stairs was some sort of holding room for the bodies. Juliana grimaced seeing two men dressed in suits on the sterile tables. Daryl had set his crossbow down and was shuffling through some cabinets, looking for something to wrap Beth's ankle with.

"Looks like somebody ran out of dolls to dress up," Daryl mused, ripping open a packet of wrap using his teeth.

"It's beautiful. Whoever did this cared. They wanted these people to get a funeral. They remembered these things were people before all of this. They didn't let it change them in the end. Don't you think that's beautiful?" She looked between Daryl and Juliana, who shifted uncomfortably, avoiding looking at the bodies.

"No," she admitted to Beth, "Because it's reminding us that they used to be someone," she shook her head, sliding in between Beth and the counters as she made her away from the two of them and the bodies, "I don't want to be reminded of that."

Daryl watched Juliana through hooded eyes beforeclearing his throat, moving over to Beth, "Come on," he mumbled, kneeling downto wrap her ankle.

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