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Juliana awoke to the roar of a motorcycle outside of the house. In her sleep-ridden state, it took her a few moments to register who might exactly be on said motorcycle. As her arm drifted over to the opposite side of the bed to find it empty, her eyes flung open, realizing Daryl was the one on that motorcycle. She hastily flung on her clothes and shoved her old pair of boots on her feet as she took off down the stairs and out the door, making it just in time to see Daryl cruising towards the gate.

Swearing, she took off at a sprint towards the gate, trying to reach him before he could make it out. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but she assumed it was something potentially stupid.

Her pace slowed as Daryl took off through the now open gate, her breathing heavy and labored as she tried to catch her breath from sprinting after him.

"Hey!" Glenn called out as he and Michonne jogged up to her, "What the hell is he doing?!"

Juliana scoffed, following behind Glenn and Michonne quickly as they made their way to the parked van that they used for runs, "I don't fuckin' know!" she cursed, and without having to be told, the three of them shuffled into the van to take off after Daryl.

Before Glenn was able to make it too far, Abraham stopped him, telling them that he should come along. Rosita was quick to speak up though, after Glenn and Michonne insisted that they needed people to stay behind just in case; she mentioned she knew where Daryl was headed. She slid inside the back of the van, slamming the door shut before sliding in next to Juliana.

"He's going to where we got ambushed," she told Juliana, glancing towards her as Glenn began to drive off.

"Fuck," Juliana cursed under her breath, running a hand through her hair out of frustration, "I should have known. Damnit!"

"We'll catch up," Michonne reassured her from the passenger seat, "We'll get him home."

Swallowing, Juliana settling back against the old, torn and musty seat in the back of the van. She felt unsure and unsteady, not sure how she should feel exactly about Daryl taking off without her or at the very least not telling her where he was going. It was now so apparent it was for revenge: revenge for Denise, and himself and her. Now a surge of guilt rushed through her, and the thought of what if she had been able to pull the trigger to kill that piece of shit who hurt Daryl and killed Denise.

Not too much longer later they made it to the tracks. Rosita and Juliana led the way through a dense fog that had formed. Glenn had loaned her a spare pistol, having forgotten to bring a weapon in her haste to chase after Daryl. Rostia's pace slowed, and Juliana followed her gaze down to a stain of red on the wooden part of the tracks.

"This is where she died," she murmured, eyes trained downwards at the spot.

Michonne had begun moving towards the woods just adjacent to the tracks, "All right, so he had to start from here." Juliana moved away from Rosita and shuffled down the slight slope that led off the railroad tracks as Michonne pulled aside some brush revealing Daryl's motorcycle underneath it. "He did."

"Which way did Dwight run?" Glenn asked as he moved to Rosita who was still staring down at the stain. She didn't answer him at first, and he called her name before Rosita looked up at him.

"We should let Daryl do this." At her comment, Juliana's attention turned from Michonne back up to Glenn and Rosita and made her way closer to the two of them to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Daryl doesn't know what he's doing! We don't. Maybe him trying this makes you feel better about it right now. Maybe they keep knowing more about us than we know about them. Or maybe Daryl's gonna get himself killed."

"Rosita," Juliana spoke up. Glenn turned around to face her and Rosita's gaze drifted from Glenn to Juliana, "Glenn's right. Maybe I have more of a reason to kill that piece of shit and God knows I want to, but I ain't gonna run after him. Not after I know what they can do. What they did." She cleared her throat for a moment before continuing, "Me and Daryl are close, but what he's doing now is an asshole move. I know he'll realize it eventually but sometimes he doesn't think he just..does."

Glenn placed a hand on her shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze and turned slightly back to Rosita, "Which way did Dwight go?" Rosita glanced from Glenn to Juliana, who gave her an understanding nod. Rosita pointed in the direction Michonne had found Daryl's bike, and they took off in the direction they assumed Daryl had gone.

Juliana stayed slightly behind the three of them, keeping her eyes peeled for any roaming walkers or any signs they may have missed that Daryl had gone a different way.

The sharp sound an arrow makes through the air followed by the slight crunch of a tree pulled her attention to the three of them in front of her, followed by Rosita's: 'watch it, asshole!', Juliana was certain they had found Daryl.

"I did. You shouldn't have come," Daryl hissed.

"You shouldn't have left."

"When I split off from Sasha and Abraham, he was out there in the woods, in that burned-out forest with those girls; put a gun to my head, tied me up! He was there when they took Jules. That asshole wanted her back. I even tried to help him back then."

Juliana finally met back up with the group, stepping forwards as Daryl had his back turned towards her, walking away, "So you think it's your fault?" she questioned. Daryl slowed and became still, pausing for a moment before he turned around to face her.

"Yeah, I know it is. I'm gonna do what I should've done before." He started off again, but Juliana reached out, tugging hard on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Bullshit, Daryl! Ya don't think I want to do the same thing!? If you're just doing this for Denise, she's gone! You're being selfish. You're doing this for you! You ain't thinkin' 'bout me or anyone else. You're runnin' out here lookin' for people who will kill ya without a second thought!"

He tugged his arm away from her with enough force that she faltered backwards, "I don't give a shit," he hissed and started off again. Juliana felt her heart crumble in her chest.

"Daryl!" Glenn picked up the pace, moving around Daryl quickly. Rosita and Michonne followed suit, almost boxing him in so he wasn't able to go anywhere, "We need to get back there and figure this out from home. Our home. We need you, and everyone back there needs us right now. It's..it's gonna go wrong out there."

"We'll square it," Michonne added, "I will. I promise you. Just come back."

Daryl's eyes flickered over to Juliana, locking onto hers as he mumbled, "I can't," and stepped around Glenn, starting on his way again.

"Daryl!" Juliana shouted, reaching out for him again. This time he stopped and turned around, an unknown, unreadable emotion behind his eyes, "Jesus, Daryl, please. Listen to Glenn. Even if you don't wanna come back for everyone else, come back for me. We'll figure out how to kill this asshole together. It ain't all on you. I know what they can do, Daryl."

"I can't," he murmured again, eyes downcast and turned away again.

Juliana felt herself shrink back as Daryl's form began to fade away, blending more and more with the timber around him. A breeze of air next to her was Rosita following after him, but Juliana couldn't will herself to go.

A hand on her shoulder caused her to jump slightly, and she turned her head to look up at Glenn who was forcing a smile for her, "Hey. Come on." He carefully pulled her back towards him and Michonne. Her legs felt heavy, and she struggled to move, her mind going one direction and her heart being pulled in the other direction; and right now she felt like it was never going to come back to her.

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