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The four of them shoved themselves into the last available truck since a couple others had gone out on a run earlier in the day. Tossing their weapons, aside from a few upfront, and bags in the bed of the truck, they piled in, with Daryl insisting on driving. Juliana slid in up next to Daryl, followed by Denise and Rosita who slammed the door shut after she shoved herself into the truck.

It became evident soon after that Daryl wasn't the best at stick shift. He cranked on the shift, jabbing Juliana in the knee a few times with his elbow from how hard he pulled it back when he tried to shift; the gears grinding each time.

Denise leaned over slightly, peering around Juliana before leaning back, clearing her throat, "It-the, uh.." she began, pointing at Daryl.

He looked over at Denise for a moment as he drove, "What?"

"Forget it."

Daryl shifted again, the gears grinding loudly again. Juliana gently nudged Denise in the side, motioning with her head towards Daryl. She knew he was a pretty intimidating guy and Denise was shy; but he'd listen.

"No, what?" Daryl questioned.

"I think maybe you're disengaging it too soon."

Juliana couldn't help but crack a smile as Daryl peered back over at Denise, obviously taken aback by her use of mechanical words.

"I've been driving stick since I was 15," she told him, "usually beat up trucks like this. I mean before-you know, before I left home. My brother taught me, just so I know."

There was an awkward silence between the three of them. Juliana picked at a frayed hole on her jeans, finally deciding to say something, "Well, maybe you can drive on the way back, huh?" Looking over to Denise, Juliana grinned slightly at her.

"Daryl," Rosita muttered, causing Juliana and Denise to look forwards out of the windshield. Letting out a sigh, Daryl replied with a simple: 'yep', and started to apply the brakes to the truck.

In front of them, a huge tree had been downed exactly in the middle of the road. Juliana's stomach instantly began to twist and turn with anxiety as the truck finally came to a stop in front of the tree.

Putting the truck in park, Daryl turn the key, killing the ignition. The loud clamor of the truck died down instantly, leaving that strange buzzing silence sound ringing through their ears. Rosita was the first to move, grabbing her gun she'd laid down on the floor boards. Daryl followed, reaching down in between his leg and Juliana's leg to grab both of their guns, handing one to Juliana while he took the other. Opening the truck's door, he slid out, already on high alert. Juliana gripped her weapon, glancing over her shoulder at Denise, "Stay here." She ordered, sliding out after Daryl.

The three of them headed towards the tree, surveying the area the best that they could. A snarling soon drew their attention. "I've got it," Rosita reassured them as Daryl and Juliana checked out opposite ends of the tree.

"This happened fast. Tree rotted out. It wasn't people," Juliana turned towards Rosita, watching as she moved a branch out of the way that revealed the walker.

"You sure?" Juliana questioned. Her gaze briefly went over to Daryl, who must have heard her as he had turned around, eyes narrowed in slight concern at Juliana's question.

Rosita merely nodded, unsheathing the machete at her hip, "For sure. We're good."

Swinging her gun around her back, Juliana made her way back to the passenger side door of the truck, yanking it open. "Come on," she told Denise, "It's clear." Denise nodded quickly. Juliana noticed how tense and nervous she was, and how Denise had jumped when she had opened the door, but she didn't say anything, she'd have to learn what life was like outside of Alexandria some time.

Daryl walked back to the truck, grabbing a couple extra weapons he shoved into some old backpacking packs and slid it around his back, tossing the other across the front of the truck to Rosita who just barely caught it.

Managing to catch Juliana's eye from across the truck, he cleared his throat, motioning to her shoulder, "How ya' holdin' up? Ya' okay to do this?"

"Carl got shot in the eye. This is nothin'." A very faint smile crept up onto the corner of his mouth at her comment before he motioned towards Rosita and Denise, mumbling at Juliana to come on. It was now that Juliana realized Daryl didn't have his crossbow. Catching the crook of his arm, she pulled him back slightly, "Wait. Where the hell's your crossbow?"

Daryl's face instantly darkened and he carefully pulled his arm out of her grip, "Long story. Don't worry about it," he mumbled moving forwards, ahead of the three of them, "Come on, let's walk."

"Hold up," Denise spoke up, catching Juliana and Daryl's attention before they got too far ahead, "Looks like a straight shot if we follow the tracks," she pointed out.

As if they had read each other's mind, Daryl and Juliana both rang out with a firm: No.

Denise and Rosita, unaware of how those tracks reminded them about Terminus, stared at the two strangely before Juliana spoke up, shaking her head, "No. No tracks. We'll take the road."

"That's twice as far!" Rosita shouted.

"Then go whatever way you want!" Juliana shouted back, beginning to walk backwards, Daryl already ahead of her, "We ain't takin' no tracks." Pivoting around on her heel, she followed after Daryl, sliding her gun from around her back and held it in her hands, preparing herself for whatever would greet them along the way.

" Pivoting around on her heel, she followed after Daryl, sliding her gun from around her back and held it in her hands, preparing herself for whatever would greet them along the way

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