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Voices filtered in one ear and out of the other, sounding like Juliana was underwater. She felt like she had been out of it for hours, just now coming to. The voices started to become clearer and the faint ringing in her ears faded away. Then, as if someone had switched a light on, Juliana remembered what had happened. She remembered the pain and anger in Daryl's eyes as she yelled at him to go, and two of the men who had been shooting at them knocked her out. Juliana bolted upright, her head throbbing and the sudden surge or sharp pain shooting through her shoulder.

"No, stop. You'll tear your stitches!" a man in a white lab coat told her, rushing forwards and carefully placed his hands on either side of her, trying to press her back down onto the bed.

Juliana's eyes were wild as they darted around the room. Wherever she was, it was not Alexandria and not any place she had been before. She struggling against the man, cursing him out through the sharp pain that was rushing through her.

"Ho-ly shit. Jesus fucking Christ, doc. Let the girl get her fucking bearings."

The man behind the doctor towered over him by a few inches. His shadow engulfing the man as he stepped further into the room. Juliana's eyes flickered over to the doctor as she felt him visibly tense before letting go of her. He swallowed hard, backing up with his head hanging low.

"Sorry, sir, I-" the man cut him off, a wooden baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire in his hand swivled in the doctor's direction. He casually aimed the bat at the other man's head, leaning backwards on his heels slightly.

"Don't fucking correct me, doctor. If she fucks her shit up anymore, well," he grinned, almost sinisterly, "then she'll fucking have to pay for it, won't she?" the doctor nodded quickly in agreeance with him before he told him to 'fuck off', and the doctor hastily exited the room.

Juliana felt hot, and she wasn't sure if it was from the pain or that he had set his sights on her now, and she felt like he was burning her alive.

"Hi," he started, the bat swinging by his side as he took a few long, slow steps across the room towards her, "I'm Negan."

Negan. It was the name the man had mentioned earlier. Juliana could feel her blood boiling at the name, his men had put Daryl, Sasha and Abraham in danger, and now she was separated from her own group because of them. She had told Daryl to leave and now, she was sure, he was not dealing with this well.

Juliana shifted upright on the small bed as best as she could, trying to get a better look at him, "Your guys fuckin' shot at me!" she spat, pointing a finger at him.

His face fell and Juliana's heart skipped a beat, her head screaming at her to get the hell out of there while her body physically couldn't.

"Watch your fucking mouth," he growled, gripping the bat a little tighter, knuckles turning white, "They thought you were out helping an old friend of mine. Have you seen him? Blonde. Probably hanging around his hot as fuck wife. Name's Dwight?"

Negan kept his eyes locked on hers as she shook her head no. He seemed to accept this and a small grin returned to his face, "I believe you. Sorry about them shooting you, but you took it like a fucking champ. Jesus. Most guys would be bawling their fucking heads off in pain, but look at you! Bad fucking ass, and hot as fuck."

Her eyes narrowed in slight confusion, still wondering who he was exactly. Negan ran a hand down his face, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. The bed folded slightly, creaking under the extra weight. Juliana moved her legs up closer to her chest, thankful that she was still wearing her own clothes, but was now in just a tank top so the doctor had a better view of her shoulder.

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