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Things never got better after Juliana died. Daryl was angry and distant as much as he tried to still be a part of the group. Things reminded him of her often. Then Carl died. Then Rick played hero and blew up a bridge.

Daryl was lost. More lost than he'd ever been in his entire life. He left the group to be out on his own, staying away from them as much as possible. Sometimes he'd visit Alexandria or Hilltop or The Kingdom for supplies or to see Carol, but most of the time he kept his distance.

Carol came to visit one day, months after Daryl had left. She brought him supplies and filled him in on what was happening with the communities, and finally pulled out an old piece of yellowed paper she had found in the room Juliana and Daryl had shared.

"I found this while I was cleaning things up," she told him, handing over the paper to him, "I don't know when she got the chance to write it.."

Daryl stared at Carol for a moment before hesitantly reaching out to grab the piece of paper. He rolled it in between his fingers, lifting it to his nose and inhaled. He could almost smell her again.

Swallowing hard, he carefully unfolded the paper and began to read.


Idon't know if this will ever find you or if it ever needs to. Ifyou're reading this either I died or I'm sitting next to you andwe're old. If we're not..I'm sorry.

Iguess this is kinda like a last will and testament. Or one of thoseold love letters from wars that people write when shit's about to godown. I want you to know I knew what I was doing. Even if it wasstupid. I know it was probably stupid..

Anyways.I just wanted to say I love you. I know we never said it a lot toeach other, but I want you to know I knew you loved me too. I hopeyou knew I loved you.

Iwasn't looking when I found you. But you turned out to be everythingI was looking for.

I'llsee you later, Dixon.



Daryl quietly folded up the paper and stuck it into his front pocket. Clearing his throat as he stood, he looked over to Carol who was watching him carefully.

"I know it hurts," she started, "But it was worth it, wasn't it?"

He ran a calloused hand down his tired face, turning towards the sun as it was just setting on the horizon. The last light of the day scattered through the timber, casting long shadows around him. He could feel her there.

"Yeah," he mumbled, "It was."


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