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"Have a seat, darlin'."

Juliana glanced sideways to Negan as he stood just off to the side of the doorway in the room, Lucille dangling by his side. He tilted his head slightly to one side as he caught her glance, a mischievous grin sliding across his face.

"Don't have Lucille ask."

She quickly adverted her eyes away from him at this comment, stepping into the dimly lit room. In the middle was a long wooden table with mismatched chairs around it. On the far end of the table, Juliana noted it was dented and scratched; the flat table top completely beaten away to the rough wood underneath. Negan must sit there.

Juliana slid into the chair closest to the door, which slammed shut suddenly causing her to jump in her seat. "Jesus, you're a little tense, don't ya think?" Negan inquired from behind her. Juliana continued to remain silent, staring at the swirls and whorls in the grain of the wood. Negan continued to speak.

"Ah. Silent treatment, I get it. You're pissed at me for killing your friends and probably even more pissed at me for beating the absolute shit out of your boyfriend out there, huh?"

Her gaze shot up towards Negan who was just rounding the opposite end of the table. He caught the glance and couldn't help but grin at Juliana's expression. "Did I hit a fucking nerve or what!?" A chuckle followed the comment, "You should have fucking spoke up when you had the chance. You should have just told me where all of you were and we wouldn't be in this fan-fucking-tastic predicament, would we?" he paused for dramatic effect, watching from the other end of the long table as she quickly adverted her eyes away from him again; head drooping downwards.

"If I didn't know better, I would say that maybe you're the one who they'll blame for it all. I could have saved you."

"Fuck you!" Juliana spat out just as he finished his comment. She had gathered just enough courage to lock eyes with Negan for that moment, which only spurred him into jovial laughter as he settled himself down into a chair.

"You might want to watch your God damn mouth in my fucking house. Look what it did to your boyfriend, huh?"

Her fingers curled into her palms as she awkwardly looked away from him again, "Stop," she mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear.

"I did hit a fucking nerve, huh?" Negan paused again, setting Lucille down on the table in front of him and leaned over slightly, his arms resting on the surface, "Why the redneck, hmm? The asshole hardly talks. Throws a punch like a son of a gun. Doesn't listen to shit-" he leaned back in the chair, a hand idly rubbing at his chin as he gazed at her, "So. Why?"

She shrugged, eyes wandering around the room still not wanting to make direct eye contact with him often, "I'm not-"

"I asked a fucking question."

"Why the fuck do you care?"

"I never said I did, but I did ask you a question and if you can't answer..well.." his voice trailed off as his fingers curled around the handle of the bat, tapping it lightly on the wood, "Lucille can just give you a little reinforcement."

Juliana swallowed nervously, lifting her eyes to look at him finally, "It just happened. I was alone for a long time when the world went to shit. I found them." She shook her head lightly, "I found him. We found each other at the worst fucking possible time, and-and I don't know about him but I was fucking drowning; even before all of this shit. But he..he taught me how to breathe."

Negan was quiet for the first time. The quiet between them building before he let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head, "Shit. That's some deep fucking shit. It's a shame I'm gonna have to tear you two love birds apart." Juliana's heart dropped as he stood, meandering over to her, his footsteps heavy on the concrete below them.

"You see," Negan started, placing a leather-gloved hand on her shoulder and squeezed lightly, "Both of you would make fantastic additions to The Saviors, and frankly, while you are quite the badass, I really want Daryl on my side. It's become pretty apparent, though where both of your loyalties lie and it ain't with Rick the Prick," with his hand still on her shoulder, he crouched down so he was able to be eye level with her, "You commit to us, and I'll go a little easier on Daryl. You convince him to be a good little Savior and you two can live out your merry little lives together while working for me. But he ain't gonna convert to the Church of Negan until you do. So-" his head cocked slightly to one side, "Who are you?"

Juliana was quiet, seriously weighing her options here. As much as she and Rick did not get along, Negan had brutally murdered Abraham and Glenn, something she wasn't quick to forget.

Closing her eyes, she tried to visualize Daryl's expression at her choice. She tried to weigh the odds of following Negan and the possibility that maybe things would be better if she just relented. But she couldn't get past how she already felt immense guilt and responsibility for Glenn and Abe's deaths; serving Negan would be as if she was betraying them and she couldn't. Not them. Not Daryl.

Turning her head towards Negan, she gathered enough of her courage to look his square in the eye, "Juliana." She told him loud and clear.

Negan scoffed and stood, making a 'tsk' sound while shaking his head, "You and that fucking redneck are so going to regret that decision

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Negan scoffed and stood, making a 'tsk' sound while shaking his head, "You and that fucking redneck are so going to regret that decision." He moved over to the door, grabbing ahold of the handle and pulled it open, motioning to two Saviors who had been waiting behind the door. "Take her back to the cell." He told them.

They roughly grabbed at her upper arms, but Juliana wasn't done yet. She struggled against them, narrowing her eyes at Negan, "You better pray someone has mercy on you..'cause I won't." she hissed before she was crudely pulled out of the room and back down the hall with Negan's laughter trailing behind her.

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