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They had moved her from the cell the next day. One of the men had thrown an old, musty burlap sack over her head while someone else wrapped what felt like duct tape around her wrists. Light just barely filtered through the sack when they drug her outside. She didn't hear Negan's voice, but another man was giving orders, telling them to toss her into the back of the van and they'd haul her off to another outpost for a few days to get her shit together.

Time did strange things when you weren't able to tell where you were or what time it was. The ride felt like forever. She was jostled awkwardly against the cold steel of the back of the van, and when it came to a sudden stop, Juliana lurched forwards, her nose connecting with the floor. Almost instantly she could feel warm, thick blood trailing out of her nose and taste the iron as it passed over her lips.

"Shit, good thing you stopped us before we got up there. Here. You're gonna have to take her while we go tell Negan." Said a man outside of the closed doors.

A woman answered him, "Are you fucking kidding me? We just got two of their fucking people, and-"

"Negan's orders."

The back doors creaked open, "Fuck," the women grumbled, "At least help me get her out of here."

Juliana was roughly tugged out of the van and roughly stumbled onto the ground. Feeling the tugging of fabric, she blinked quickly as the sack was pulled off of her head. A red headed woman kneeled down in front of her, head slightly cocked to one side, "Yeah, I can see why Negan wanted you out of there. You look like shit." Juliana watched as she pulled a gun up that she had been holding, pressing the cold metal to her forehead. The click that followed sounded like a solid boom. Juliana winced, waiting for her to pull the trigger, but nothing came except a short laugh, "That what'll happen if you don't play nice." She warned. "C'mon."

She reached down, roughly pulling Juliana up by her arm and drug her towards an old, greying building. She slid open a large steel door and shoved Juliana through before sliding the door shut behind them. "Move," she ordered, jabbing the barrel of the gun into Juliana's back.

Juliana stumbled forwards slightly as she shoved her, and when she turned the corner, was surprised to come face to face with not only with walkers that were being used as protection, but Maggie was staring back at her at the other end of the hall.

"Mag-?" she barely got out before the women shoved her off to the side and began shooting at her. Maggie ducked around a corner and from behind her stepped Carol, pointing at gun back at the woman. Juliana's eyes were wide as she and Carol made eye contact.

"Just run," Carol was telling the red head, "I've already lost everything."

"Carol!" Juliana shouted as a walker had shimmed off of a spike and had tried attaching himself to her. The gun missed, hitting the woman in the shoulder and falling out of Carol's hand, skidding across the ground to Juliana's feet. Awkwardly, she crouched down and grabbed the gun while her hands were still tied, aimed at the walker's head and fired, blowing it's rotting brains out across the hallway. While the woman was withering on the floor, Carol stepped over her, reaching out for Juliana. She held her face in her hands, hastily brushing her tangled hair out of her face.

"Are you okay?" she asked quickly, moving her hands down to tear at the tape that was around her wrist, taking the gun from her once she had pulled as much as the tape off as she could so her hands were free. Juliana nodded in silent reply.

They didn't have much time for a reunion, hearing Maggie just around the corner. Carol and Juliana took off, and when Carol saw another woman having just cut Maggie across the stomach, she didn't hesitate to put a bullet in her head. The three of them stared at each other out of pure shock before once again it was rudely interrupted. The red headed woman came up from behind Carol, yanking her around and out into the hallway. Maggie and Juliana followed after her, watching helplessly as Carol struggled with her. It was an awkward position to try and help, with walkers on each side in the narrow hallway, another person would do more harm than good.

Finally, Carol pulled her around, flinging the women against an empty spike that was sticking out of the wall, impaling her through her stomach. The walker next to her turned its body, teeth sinking into the side of her face. She let out a scream as the walker continued to chomp on her face, grinding her flesh in between its teeth.

The three of them moved quickly, Carol had already come up with the idea to call back the men who had dropped Juliana off in the van back to the building. Hiding in a hallway just to the outside of the room they had planned to set on fire, Maggie had placed the walkie talkie in the room to led them there, and once inside, they slammed the door shut behind them but not before tossing a lit cigarette into the room that had been doused with gasoline.

Juliana watched Carol carefully; something about her seemed different; something was off. As much as she wanted to ask what had happened, she knew that now wasn't the time. The three made their way back down the hallway, through the spiked walkers. Maggie and Juliana picked up a couple handguns that had been scattered in the hallway, dropped from their attackers. She and Maggie then took the lead, coming up to the steel door that led outside.

Before they got a chance to open it, it began to slide open. Maggie and Juliana raised their guns, ready to fight again, when on the other side was Glenn. He and Maggie both lowered their guns at the same time, staring at each other with wide eyes and embraced. Juliana was hidden slightly in the shadows, Carol slightly ahead of her.

When Daryl came through the door he went straight for Carol, pulling her into a hug. Carol quietly pulled away, motioning into the dark as Juliana stepped forwards, lowering the gun. She didn't realize how bad she must have looked, but the look on Daryl's face when he saw her, she must have looked like death.

 She didn't realize how bad she must have looked, but the look on Daryl's face when he saw her, she must have looked like death

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Daryl practically jumped over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulled her to him tightly. She let out a hiss of pain as he squeezed her too hard and he pulled away, his hands carefully skimming over her body, "Who the fuck did this to ya?" he questioned. Juliana shook her head, blinking away the tears that were pooling in her eyes.

She wrapped her uninjured arm around his shoulder, and he pulled her into another hug, more careful this time as to not hurt her any further. They stayed in their own world for a moment before pulling away from each other, Daryl slipped his arm around her side, letting her lean on him. "C'mon," he mumbled, helping her along outside.

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