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It was some serious spaghetti. Juliana and Daryl had stuffed themselves full of pasta, something neither of them had had for God knows how long. She had noticed Aaron and his husband, Eric, exchanging looks between the two of them, but that didn't stop Daryl or Juliana from stuffing their faces. It was nice to eat something other than opossum or rabbit for once.

"Thanks," Daryl muttered with the last full of spaghetti, slurping up a lone noodle into his mouth. He wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve as he did so. From across the table, Juliana leaned backwards into the chair, placing her hands on her bloated stomach.

"Yeah, thanks guys."

Eric and Aaron both smiled before Eric spoke up, turning slightly in his chair to speak to Daryl, "When you're out there, if you happen to be in a store or something, Mrs. Neudermyer is really looking for a pasta maker." Juliana's eyebrow cocked up slightly at Eric's request and her gaze then drifted to Daryl, who was staring at Eric like he had grown a second head.

Eric continued, "And we're really trying to get her to shut up about it. I mean, we have crates of dried pasta in there, but she wants to make her own or something. I really think she just wants something to talk about, so..if you see one out on your travels, it would go a long way to.." Juliana had sat up, elbows up on the table as she looked over at Eric, curious as to what he meant exactly by Daryl 'out on his travels.'

"What's that supposed to mean?" she questioned. Eric's eyes widened slightly and he looked over to Aaron who was giving him a 'you shouldn't have said that', look.

"I thought it was done. You didn't ask him already?"

"Ask him what?" Juliana inquired, now turning her attention to Aaron. She had leaned back slightly to be better able to look at him, with one arm slung around the back of the chair.

Aaron sighed heavily. Placing each hand on the ledge of the table, he pushed himself backwards, the chair squealing against the wood floors as he did so. "Come on," he mentioned towards a door that was just past their kitchen. Juliana and Daryl exchanged glances from across the table before Daryl reached out, chugging what was left of his wine before standing. Juliana followed suit, following both of the men back towards the doorway.

Aaron opened the door, clicking on the light that led out into the other room, which turned out to be an attached garage. Daryl paused at the top of the steps, taking in the scattered parts of a motorcycle before he moved into the garage with Juliana behind him, followed by Aaron.

"When I got this place, there was that frame, and some parts and equipment. Whoever lived here built them."

Daryl picked up a spare part, fiddling with it for a moment, "It's a lot of parts for one bike," he mused.

"Whenever I came across parts out there, I brought them back. I didn't know what I'd need. I always thought I'd learn how to do it, but I get the feeling you already know what to do with it." Juliana watched from the side of the room, trying to busy herself with awkwardly fumbling with parts as she kept an eye on Aaron and Daryl, watching as Aaron kept his gaze on Daryl as he meandered around the garage.

"And the thing is," Aaron continued, "you're going to need a bike."

Juliana lifted her head, eye flittering between Daryl and Aaron. She watched as Daryl finally stopped pacing around the room to turn his attention to Aaron, "Why?"

"I told Deanna not to give you a job because I think I have one for you." He paused, "I'd like you to be Alexandria's other recruiter. I don't want Eric risking his life anymore."

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