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They were the last ones to enter the building, Juliana stepped in ahead of Daryl, gripping his knife he had given her after she had tossed her gun back at the house. He was quiet as he came behind her, grabbing a hold of the rusted handle of the sliding door and pulling it closed. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust after Daryl shut the door, the hot sun now gone and replaced with a dim space filled with abandoned cars. It was dusty and musty, with a faint undertone of stale or rotten food Juliana couldn't place.

The two of them stayed back from the rest of the group for a moment, trying to take in their surroundings before making a move.

"They ain't here," a man said, "Nobody's been here for awhile. Whoever it was they got all the gas."

"That don't matter," Joe said, "We're getting closer, I can feel it."

Daryl motioned to a car with a dirty tarp strewn over the top of it, gently tapping at Juliana's elbow to gain her attention. She followed him as he began to yank the tarp off of the car, only to have one of the men walk over, kicking at the bag Daryl had. Juliana's eyes narrowed at the man as the bag skidded across the floor.




Their words echoed in the mostly empty building as she and Daryl both tried to get to vehicles that they were using as a more suitable place to rest. Daryl and Juliana locked eyes from across the room as both of their attempts at getting anything failed. Sighing it defeat, she made her way over to Daryl, handing him his knife and wiped her hands on her jeans, looking around the building once more. Daryl took the knife from her hand, sliding it back into the sheath that was clipped to his side.

Tossing the black garbage bag to the side, he settled himself down onto the cold, hard concrete floor. Patting next to him, Juliana stepped over Daryl and settled down next to him, sitting with her legs crossed. His gaze briefly flickered over in her direction, but no words were said between them. She would watch out for him while he rested, and as he draped his arm over his face, she knew that he trusted her.

Resting didn't last long for either of them though, the man who had pissed Juliana off, Len, was now raising his voice and making his way over to their direction.

"Christ!" Len cursed, stalking over to them. Daryl sat up quick, and Juliana stood as Len came to a stop in front of them, holding out his hand, "Give it here!"

"Step the fuck back," Juliana hissed at him. Len's eyes darted in his direction and he pointed a finger at her.

"Ain't your business, girl."

Standing without turning his back to Len, he stood firmly in front of Len, adjusting his body so that it was now halfway in front of Juliana.

"My half was in the bag. Now it's gone! Now, ain't nobody 'round here interested in no half a damn cottontail except you. Ain't that right?"

Glaring, Daryl stepped closer towards Len, "You're the only one still thinkin' about that crap!" Tension suddenly surged between the two men, and when Len told Daryl to empty the bag, Juliana quickly stepped around Daryl, yanking the bag up from the ground.

"I said, step back!" Juliana's voiced raised, echoing loudly through the building. Len turned his attention to Juliana, eyes narrowed at the woman.

"You better get your girl in line," Len threatened, "She ain't claimed yet!"

Juliana's heart began to race with adrenaline as Len came dangerously close to her. She noticed Daryl's hand moving to the handle of his knife, and he stuck a foot in between Juliana and Len. The tension was high, and if it hadn't been for Joe stepped in and pulling the bag out of her hand, she was certain Daryl would have hurt the man.

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