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Time slipped away from her. She had cried and screamed so much that the taste of iron bubbled up in her throat and she spit out blood, carelessly wiping it off as it dribbled down her chin with the back of her hand. She rocked back and forth as the van passed over bumps in the road and swerved around corners. When it finally came to a stop, Juliana's heart dropped. She swallowed hard as her fingers curled into the palms of her heads, ready for when they opened the door.

The doors were swung open and she was temporarily blinded by the sun that broke through the dark. Wincing at the light, she was taken off guard as a couple hands reached into the van, wrapping around her legs and dragging her out. Juliana began to thrash around, the cool, rough metal of the floor digging into her back as she was drug out and unceremoniously tossed on the ground.

Quickly, a hand grabbed each arm, pulling her along. Her eyes had adjusted to the mid-day sun by now, and she began to frantically look around for Daryl. They would have brought him to the same place – right?

"You know where to put 'em, boys!" A Savior called over to the two men who were dragging her along by her upper arms. She began to become more frantic, unsure now if Daryl was even here; or even alive. Juliana drug her feet in the fine dirt, making the task of dragging her along more difficult, but it was just to buy time.

Hearing a scuffle to her left, she turned to head to see Daryl in her same predicament, "Daryl!" she called out, only to me met with the butt of a rifle shoved sharply into her side. Wincing at the motion, she looked away just long enough to notice that she had looked her away before quickly pulling his line of sight away from her as he was dragged into the large factory-type building and soon after, she followed.

The hallways weren't distinguishable as everything was encase in cool concrete and either dark or dimly lit to save whatever energy they had. She had lost sight of Daryl by now and was pulled down another hallway and quickly met with the holding cell she had been in previously. The two men who had been hauling her around were dismissed when a female stepped into the door way.

"Strip," she ordered.

Juliana was obviously hesitant, but the click of the gun in the woman's hand cocking back gave her no other choice. She was humiliated; embarrassed, and above all else she was overwhelmed with guilt.

Her hands shook as she stripped her damp and soiled clothing, tossing it into a pile in front of her. The woman had reached behind her, tossing a pair of old, worn out sweat pants and sweat shirt that were marked with the letter 'B', and removed Juliana's other clothing from the cell. Wordlessly she took a step back and shut the heavy door shut behind her, locking it once Juliana was left alone in the dark.


She wasn't sure how long it had been since the Saviors had taken her and Daryl from the group, and she hadn't seen him in between being tortured with the constant same song repeatedly, and dog food between stale, moldy bread. She was left in the dark for the most part and left alone of memories of what had happened. If sleeping wasn't already an issue, Juliana couldn't remember the last time she slept more than a couple hours until she was woken up with violent nightmares or to the sound of Easy Street being blasted repeatedly.

The sound of the lock turning made her jump; and the door was yanked open to reveal a Savior in the dimly lit hallway. He didn't hesitate to reach forward, pulling her up roughly by the upper arm, mumbling something about Negan and the other prisoner. Juliana's heart sank.

She was unceremoniously drug outside, the harshness of the mid-day sun so bright she had to hold her eyes shut for a moment or two before she was able to actually open them. She wasn't sure the last time she was been outside, or even out of that cell. It became all too apparent why she had been brought out – a circle of Saviors was standing around Negan and Daryl.

The unnamed Savior stepped into the circle, his grip still tight on her arm. Negan glanced sideways at her, a cocky grin passing across his already charismatic features. "Who are you?" he asked, tipping Lucille up over his shoulder slightly to a man behind him who responded with: Negan. Then the next. He dipped slightly, extending his arms outwards and asked them again who they were and they all responded the same: Negan.

"You see that?" he told Daryl, "I. Am. Everywhere. And this was your shot to prove to me that that fundamental fact was sinking in, and you failed. Which sucks, because your life was about to get so much cooler. Am I right?"

"Damn right," A Savior echoed.

He started to circle Daryl, twirling Lucille around and chuckling at Daryl flinched at every movement he made. Juliana swallowed nervously, catching Negan's eye as he made his way around Daryl to her, waving away the Savior who had been keeping an eye on her. His arm snaked around Juliana's shoulder, yanking her close to him, Lucille dangling in front of her as he held it in his hand. Her body instantly tensed, and she adverted her eyes away from Negan, doing her best to stay lock on Daryl.

"Now, Dwight gave you some options. I don't think you get it yet. So I'm gonna break it down for you. You get three choices: one, you wind up on the spike and you work for me as a dead man. Two, you get out of your cell and you work for points, but you're gonna wish you were dead. Or three, you work for me and you get yourself a brand new pair of shoes, and you live like a king!" his grip on Juliana tightened slightly as he spoke, "And let me tell you, Daryl. Only one of those options also lets you get to see this pretty little thing all cleaned up and all yours."

He finally dropped his arm away from her shoulder, taking a few long strides to stand in front of Daryl again. "Choice seems pretty obvious. You should know, there is no door number four. This is it. This is the only way," he grinned.

Juliana was trying her best to keep it together. Daryl was unreadable and all she wanted to do was reach out and touch him just for a moment to let him know it would be okay. He turned his head slightly, making sure to catch her eye before focusing his attention back on Negan.

"Screw it." Negan raised Lucille and brought it down to Daryl's head – stopping short just before any contact was made with his skull. "Wow! You don't scare easy; and all in front of your girl. I love that." He turned on his heel now pacing in the direction of Juliana, "But Lucille..well, it kind of pisses her off. She finds it to be disrespectful." He came to stop in front of Juliana, lifting the bat outwards to place it under Juliana's chin and lift it up so she was looking him in the eyes, "Lucky for your boy, Daryl. She's not feeling thirsty today." There was a dramatic, bone chilling pause as he lowered the bat and took a large step forward, his eyes darkening slightly, "But I am. So...I'm gonna go get me a drink!" he whipped around on his heel again, flinging his arm around Juliana's shoulder, "And, I mean, if you don't mind – I think I'm gonna take your girl with me. I think her and I should have a little chat." He chuckled, practically pulling Juliana along with him as she tried her best to keep her eyes on Daryl. "Don't worry, princess. They won't kill him," he grinned, letting out a whistle as he pulled Juliana along with him.

The last thing she managed to see was the group crowding around Daryl.

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