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Dawn had broken through the dark within the hour. Dark blues and purples faded out into a striking splash of orange, red, and yellow. This display of nature only lasted about an hour before clouds overtook the sky, shielding the morning sun from breaking through.

Beth had seemed irritated at Juliana and Daryl, and she had a right to be. They both sat idly by while she tried to reassure them that other people had to be alive. Juliana and Daryl's negative outlooks didn't sit well with her, but Juliana had to hand it to Beth that she was determined and had held onto hope far longer than she could have.

"What if she's right?" Juliana enquired as she followed slightly behind Daryl as not to disturb him tracking.

He didn't look back at her as she asked him this, though a grunt left his lips as he stepped over a log, "Well I'll throw 'er a fuckin' party, then." Daryl grumbled.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the comment. For being as quiet as he was, when he finally decided to say something, he never held back.

Daryl stopped and crouched down suddenly. As he started to clear away debris on the ground, Juliana motioned to Beth. Beth looked hesitant, but finally came over to the two of them.

"Could be Luke's, or Molly's," she suggested. Daryl blew at the leaves to get a better view of the footprints that were left in the red dirt.

"Whoever they are, it means they're alive."

He turned his head to glance over at Juliana, who shifted her weight back on her heels for Daryl's final observation. Daryl shook his head at Beth's comment, "No. This means they were alive three or four hours ago."

Beth looked as if she wanted to smack him across the head, "They're alive!" she spat, and quickly stalked off from the two of them again.

A sigh escaped Juliana's lips as Beth wandered away from them again. Daryl took a minute to watch her go before he stood and followed after her.

"Teenagers," Juliana muttered under her breath, stepping in the footprints that Daryl left in front of her.

The woods began to open up slightly, and the path turned sandy, appearing to be a small, old road that was maybe used by ATVs or dirt bikes. Juliana had pulled her weapon around to her front as she observed Beth slowing down slightly as they rounded a corner.

Noticing a disturbance in the brush, Daryl pointed it out to the two of them, "They picked up the pace right here," he said, "Got out in a hurry. Things went bad."

Juliana glanced over at Beth's face as he mentioned that things had gone bad. He eyes went wide for a moment before she spoke, "Wouldn't kill you to have a little faith," she paused and peered over at Juliana, "Both of you."

Daryl shrugged his shoulders slightly as Beth turned her attention away from him, trying to look as if she was looking for more signs of life when Juliana was sure she was just trying to avoid confrontation with him.

"Yeah, faith," he grumbled, "Faith ain't done shit for us. Sure as hell didn't do nothin' for your father."

Juliana felt her eyes widen at his comment, "Dixon!" she hissed, almost in awe at the harsh comment he had spewed out at Beth.

Beth whipped around, finally catching Daryl's eye. The two of them watched each other carefully, and Juliana knew Daryl had regretted what he had said to Beth. She hadn't even had any time to mourn her father's death yet.

Stepping over to Beth, she placed a hand on her back gingerly. Beth turned around again, picking at a few berries that were hanging off of twisted vines that had wound themselves up into tree branches. Juliana felt dejected, dropping her hand away from her.

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