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A couple hours later, the three of them had settled down in a semicircle on the floor. Daryl and Beth were still drinking, but from time to time Daryl would ask Juliana if she was okay. Beth would giggle and assure Daryl that Juliana was, though Daryl and Juliana knew Beth still had no idea why he was asking her this. She had to admit, she found it endearing.

"Okay," Beth started, "So first I say something I've never done and if you have done it, you drink," she looked over to Juliana, "Or raise your hand, and if I haven't, I drink. Then we switch." Juliana gave her a thumbs up. It was a game she was far too familiar with, but Daryl stared at Beth blankly.

"You really don't know this game?"

"I never needed a game to get lit before," Daryl told her, making Juliana smirk slightly at his comment.

"..Wait. Are we starting?" Beth blinked.

"How do you know this game?" Juliana questioned.

"My friend's played. I watched," she told her. Shaking her head and clearing her throat she began, "Okay. I'll start. I've never shot a crossbow. So now you drink." Juliana had raised her hand and Daryl just continued to give Beth odd looks.

"Ain't much of a game," he said, taking a swig of moonshine.

"That was a warm up. Now you go."

"I don't know," he mumbled, his hand at his mouth as he chewed at his finger nails.

"Just say the first thing that pops in your head," Beth told him.

"I've never been out of Georgia."

"Really? Okay, good one."

Juliana raised her hand, and if she could, she would have taken a shot. Beth looked over to her as she finished up taking a drink.

"Where did you say you came from, Jules?" she asked.

"Tennessee," Juliana reminded her.

Beth nodded, "Your turn," she told Juliana. Juliana shifted, adjusting her legs as she sat crossed-legged on the floor.

"I've never ridden a horse," she said, pulling one from out of her ass. Beth smiled a took a drink. Daryl didn't.

"I've never...been drunk and did something I regretted." Juliana shrunk back, watching as Daryl took a drink. She didn't want to raise her hand.

"I've done a lot of things," he said, looking over at Juliana as he finished his drink.

"Your turn," Beth reminded Daryl.

He rubbed his chin, thinking for a moment, "I've never been on vacation."

"What about camping?"

"No, that was just something I had to learn to hunt."

"Your dad teach you?" Juliana asked, trying to shake the previous question Beth had asked by changing the subject.


"Okay!" Beth said, almost too cheerily, taking another drink.

Juliana stood, wiping her hands on the back of her jeans as she did so. Noticing Beth's mouth was open, like she was about to speak, she cut her off before she could say anything.

"You and Daryl finish the game. I'll sit this one out." Juliana moved to the window, arms crossed and back turned to the two of them.

"I've never..." Beth began again, "..been in jail. I mean, as a prisoner."

Juliana could feel the sudden tension in the room and turned around, arms still crossed. Daryl was staring Beth down.

"Is that what you think of me?"

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